An overview of Mottoes used in civic heraldry.

This page is under construction, if you see a motto on the site that is not yet listed here or have any other addition, please [{Contact|mail me]] !

Only true mottoes are listed here, no town names in banners around the arms.

The mottoes are listed by language.

Mottoes in Dutch

Mottoes with Dutch as the original language.

Motto Translation in English Origin Used by
Born in conflict - Settled in peace Ajax

Mottoes in English

Mottoes with English as the original language.

Motto Origin Used by
Born in conflict - Settled in peace Ajax

Mottoes in French

Mottoes with French as the original language.

Motto Translation in English Origin Used by
Born in conflict - Settled in peace Ajax

Mottoes in Greek

Mottoes with ancient Greek as the original language.

Motto Translation in English Origin Used by
Born in conflict - Settled in peace Ajax

Mottoes in Latin

Mottoes with Latin as the original language.

Motto Translation in English Origin Used by
UNUS CUM VIRIBUS DUORUM One with the strength of two Abbotsford

Mottoes in Old Norse

Mottoes with Old Norse as the original language.

Motto Translation in English Origin Used by
Born in conflict - Settled in peace Ajax