Country : Portugal District : Évora
Portuguese | Escudo de ouro, com um cavaleiro armado de prata, realçado de azul, galopando em cavalo negro e empunhando uma espada de prata ensanguentada; em contra-chefe duas cabeças de carnação, caídas e cortadas de sangue, uma de homem à dextra e outra de mulher à sinistra toucadas de prata. Escudo cercado pelo Colar da Ordem de Torre e Espada. Coroa mural de prata de cinco torres. Listel branco com legenda a negro : " MUI NOBRE E SEMPRE LEAL CIDADE DE ÉVORA ". |
English | blazon wanted |
The arms were officially granted on October 12, 1990.
The arms show Lord Geraldo Geraldes "Gerald the Fearless" (?-1173), galloping a black horse, while wielding a silver sword with blood. Giraldo was a young gentleman of the court of King Alfonso Henriques, who had escaped from justice. To rehabilitate himself to the King he decided, along with other comrades in arms, to take by surprise the city of Évora for the King. They arrived in one night in 1164, climbing the watchtower and surprising and killing the lookout and his daughter and thereby made it possible to conquer the city. This cruel action is commemorated in the arms of the city, a rider beheading a man and his daughter.
The arms are surrounded by the chain of the Military Order of the Tower and of the Sword, of Valour, Loyalty and Merit (Portuguese: Ordem Militar da Torre e Espada do Valor, Lealdade e Mérito), the highest Portuguese order. The motto states "Very Noble and Always Loyal City of Évora".
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The arms in the town (source)
Freguesias in Évora :
- Bacelo
- Canaviais
- Horta das Figueiras
- Malagueira
- Nossa Senhora da Boa Fé
- Nossa Senhora da Graça do Divor
- Nossa Senhora de Guadalupe
- Nossa Senhora de Machede
- Nossa Senhora da Tourega
- Santo Antão (Évora)
- São Bento do Mato
- São Mamede (Évora)
- São Manços
- São Miguel de Machede
- São Sebastião da Giesteira
- São Vicente do Pigeiro
- Sé e São Pedro
- Senhora da Saúde
- Torre dos Coelheiros
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Literature : image provided by Sergio Horta; information by Luis Cebeira.