Category:Quartered black and silver

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Heraldic glossary > Divisions of the Shield > Quarterly > QUARTERED BLACK AND SILVER IN HERALDRY

This section shows coats of arms quartered black and silver.

Heraldic glossary:Quartered black and silver

  • (af) missing
  • (cs) missing
  • (de) missing
  • (dk) missing
  • (ee) missing
  • (es) missing
  • (fi) missing
  • (fr) missing
  • (hu) missing
  • (it) missing
  • (lt) missing
  • (lv) missing
  • (nl) Gevierendeeld van zwart en zilver
  • (no) missing
  • (pl) missing
  • (pt) missing
  • (ro) missing
  • (ru) missing
  • (se) missing
  • (si) missing
  • (sk) missing
  • (ua) missing

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Heraldic glossary

Items in the glossary: 2,873

Part of :
Heraldry of the World

Media in category "Quartered black and silver"

The following 11 files are in this category, out of 11 total.