Deutsche Wappen Kalender

Deutscher Wappen Kalender

Arms (crest) of Deutsche Wappen Kalender

There have been at least two different types of heraldic calendars with this name.

The oldest I am aware of dates from 1904. This is a large (18x33 cm) calendar printed by Vogt, Papiermühle, Sachsen (image shown above). The inside shows the monthly calendar and some heraldic images of towns and states.

I have no idea how long this series was issued.

Announcement for this kalender (Archiv für Stamm- und Wappenkunde 4(1903-1904)56):


Second series

Then there is a later series, issued from 1920-1940. These are smaller, A5 size, each with a different theme:

  • 1920 Deutsche Führer im Weltkrieg (leaders in the 1st World War)
  • 1921 Deutsche Dichter (poets)
  • 1922 Deutsche Schmieder (smiths)
  • 1923-1929 not issued due to the financial crisis
  •   1930 Deutsche Staatsmänner (politicians)
  •   1931 Deutsche Kaufleute (merchants)
  •   1932 Deutsche Maler (painters) (the whole calendar: File:Wappenkalender-1932.pdf)
  • 1933 Deutsche Rechtslehrer (professors in law)
  • 1934 Deutsche Buchhändler (book sellers)
  • 1935 Deutsche Ärtzte (doctors of medicine)
  • 1936 Deutsche Wettkämpfer (olympians)
  • 1937 Deutsche Weinhändler (wine merchants)
  • 1938 Deutsche Erfinder (inventors)
  •   1939 Deutsche Baumeister (builders) (the whole calendar: File:Wappenkalender-1939.pdf)
  • 1940 ?

This series was edited and written by Dr. Bernhard Koerner,member of the Prussian College of Arms in Berlin, and issued by Starke, Görlitz.