Deutsche Zunftwappen

Heraldry of the World
Heraldic collector's items catalogue > Heraldic albums

Deutsche Zunftwappen - Die Adelszeichen deutscher Arbeit


Album information :

  • Issued by : Aurelia, Dresden, Germany
  • Date of issue : 1933
  • Number of stamps/cards : 160
  • Image variants : none known


In 1933 the Sultan Zigarettenfabrik Aurelia in Dresden (Germany) issued an album with the arms of German guilds and trade unions. The subtitle was "Die Adelszeichen deutscher Arbeit" (the honorable signs of German labour).

The album was beautifully decorated with backgrounds and texts. The back of the cards provided some information on the company as well as the arms of the guild displayed.

The images could be collected using collectors-lists, an example is shown below (image from eBay):

Example of an image: