Ecclesiastical heraldry of Peru
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An overview of coats of arms of religious institutions in Peru.
Roman Catholic church
- Archdiocese of Arequipa
- Archdiocese of Ayacucho o Huamanga
- Archdiocese of Cuzco
- Archdiocese of Huancayo
- Archdiocese of Lima
- Archdiocese of Piura
- Archdiocese of Trujillo
- Diocese of Abancay
- Diocese of Cajamarca
- Diocese of Callao
- Diocese of Carabayllo
- Diocese of Chachapoyas
- Diocese of Chiclayo
- Diocese of Chimbote
- Diocese of Chosica
- Diocese of Chulucanas
- Diocese of Huacho
- Diocese of Huancavelica
- Diocese of Huánuco
- Diocese of Huaraz
- Diocese of Huari
- Diocese of Ica
- Diocese of Lurín
- Diocese of Puno
- Diocese of Sicuani
- Diocese of Tacna y Moquegua
- Diocese of Tarma
- Military Ordinariate of Peru
- Territorial Prelature of Ayaviri
- Territorial Prelature of Caravelí
- Territorial Prelature of Chota
- Territorial Prelature of Chuquibamba
- Territorial Prelature of Chuquibambilla
- Territorial Prelature of Huamachuco
- Territorial Prelature of Juli
- Territorial Prelature of Moyobamba
- Territorial Prelature of Santiago Apóstol de Huancané
- Apostolic Vicariate of Iquitos
- Apostolic Vicariate of Jaén en Peru o San Francisco Javier
- Apostolic Vicariate of Pucallpa
- Apostolic Vicariate of Puerto Maldonado
- Apostolic Vicariate of Requena
- Apostolic Vicariate of San José del Amazonas
- Apostolic Vicariate of San Ramón
- Apostolic Vicariate of Ucayali
- Apostolic Vicariate of Yurimaguas
- Basilica of Our Lady of Carmen of La Legua, Callao
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