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District (Kreis):Neunkirchen (until 1973 Ottweiler)
Additions:1974 Bubach-Calmesweiler, Dirmingen, Habach, Hierscheid, Humes, Macherbach, Wiesbach

Wappen von Eppelborn/Arms (crest) of Eppelborn
Official blazon
German blazon wanted
English blazon wanted


The arms were officially granted on January 16, 1978.

The arms show the beheaded eagle of Lotharingen (Lorraine), as most of the municipality hostorically belonged to Lotharingen. The bar is taken from the old arms of Eppelborn, the wolf's hook symbolises the village of Dirmingen and was used as a village sign. Dirmingen was the only village that was not a part of Lotharingen.

The previous arms were granted on May 5, 1954.


These arms are those of the medieval Knights Von Eppelborn, who are known since the 14th century and who ruled the village from the castle nearby.

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Literature:Lehne and Kohler, 1981.