Namibia heraldry portal
This page is part of the Namibia heraldry portal |
Heraldry of the World |
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Region: Omaheke
Afrikaans |
Wapen: In goud, 'n kameeldoringboom op 'n grond, alles van natuurlike kleur en 'n rooi skildhoof belaai met 'n goue opkomende son. |
English |
Arms: Or, a camel thorn tree on a mount proper; on a chief Gules a rising sun Or. |
The elephant is a canting symbol (Gaontabis meaning drinking place of great elephants in Nama). Gobabis is the Easternmost town in Namibia and thus the first to see the new light. This is symbolised by the sun and the motto. The supporters are a kudu and a gemsbok.
The tree is a camel thorn, a typical tree for the area.
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Literature : Merrington (II)