Heraldic literature - Military heraldry

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Heraldry of the World
Heraldic literature


This page shows the sources used, or to be used, on the Military heraldry part of the site Heraldry of the World. Not all the information from the literature mentioned below has been added to the site yet. If you require information from one of the sources below, please contact me.
Posters, websites, mails/letters, stamps, postcards, maps and similar sources are not included. For an overview of heraldic picture albums, tobacco cards, trade cards, stamps etc, see here)


  1. Bedells, J.H.B. : Family heraldry in H.M. ships badges. Coat of Arms 24(1955)303-305.
  2. Bedells, J.H.B. : Type badges for minor naval vessels. Coat of Arms 27(1956)107-109.
  3. Reclam, H.H. : Deutsche Soldatenwappen. Archivum Heraldicum 79(1965)8-9.
  4. Mil-001.books.jpg Smith, P.C. : Royal Air Force squadron badges. Balfour, St. Ives, 1975, 96 p. ISBN 0-85944-012-5