Joseph Henry Conroy

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Born: November 8, 1858
Deceased: March 20, 1939

Auxilairy Bishop of Ogdensburg, 1912-1921; Titular Bishop of Arindela
Bishop of Ogdensburg, 1921-1939

Arms (crest) of Joseph Henry Conroy

Auxiliary Bishop of Ogdensburg
Arms (crest) of Joseph Henry Conroy

Bishop of Ogdensburg
Official blazon
English blazon wanted


As common in US episcopal heraldry, the arms show the arms of the diocese impaled with the personal arms of the bishop.

The bends in the personal half are taken from the arms of a Conroy family and are used here as a canting element for the name of the bishop. The staff represents St. Joseph, his patron saint, the book refers to Catholic education.

The achievement is completed with the heraldic insignia of a prelate of the rank of bishop.


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