Mazsalaca (town)

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Region : Vidzeme
Municipality : Mazsalaca

Coat of arms (crest) of Mazsalaca (town)
Official blazon

Melnā laukā sudraba pālis, pēdā dalījums ar viļņu griezumu, kas nes tiltu ar mūra balstiem, augšā trīs (2/1) piecstaru zvaigznes - no viena uz otru.

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The arms were granted in 1936.

Mazsalaca is known since the 14th century, when a church was built here.
In the 16th century it is mentioned as Valtenbergi manor. A little later a town named Salisburg town developed. The town grew gradually.

In 1928 Salisburg got city rights and was renamed to Mazsalaca, according to the parish name, which kept the first name of the settlement.

The bridge symbolizes that Mazsalaca developed on a crossroad of dry- and waterways. Three stars, derived from the National Arms show dependence to Latvia.

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Literature: Latvias ģerboņi, 2008