Penha de França

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Brasão de Penha de França/Arms (crest) of Penha de França

Country: Portugal

District: Lisboa

Municipality: Lisboa

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Official blazon
Portuguese Escudo de azul, o depósito de água conhecido por " Fogareiro ", de prata, acompanhado de quatro espigas de trigo de ouro, atadas do mesmo, duas à dextra e duas à sinistra e em ponta de um cacho de uvas de púrpura folhado de ouro. Coroa mural de três torres de prata. Listel branco com a legenda de negro, em maiúsculas  : " PENHA DE FRANÇA - LISBOA ".
English blazon wanted


The arms were officially granted on November 12, 1994.

The arms show the local water tower (locally known as the stove), built in 1929 and a symbol for the parish.

The grapes and wheat ears refer to the (former) importance of agriculture and the rich soil in the parish. The blue field symbolises the local patron saint, Our Lady of Penha de França.

Literature : image send by Sergio Horta

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