Wappen-Sammlung Series 4 Bishops and commoners

Heraldry of the World
Heraldic collector's items catalogue > Heraldic albums

Wapen-Sammlung : Series 4 Bishops and commoners


Series information :

  • Issued by : A. Weller's Verlag, Kahla in Thüringen, Germany
  • Date of issue : 1900-1920 (?)
  • Number of stamps/cards in this series: ? at least 3000


This is the fourth series of the album Wappen-Sammlung (Weller) showing the arms of rulers and countries. The series is only numbered up to 100 and from 125-149, other numbers are tentative, except nrs up to 1000 and 1076-1100, 1351-1375, 2501-2650. Stamps were issued in series of 25, but could be glued on the pages randomly. Only when I have a sheet or index, the numbers are confirmed.

Stamps issued:


A small series of arms related to Göring was issued separately. They are listed in the index 1-1000 but without numbers assigned.