

Province : Antwerpen
Additions : 1977 Loenhout

Wapen van Wuustwezel/Coat of arms (crest) of Wuustwezel

Official blazon

  • (1821) Van lazuur beladen met drie vinken van goud geplaatst twe een een.
  • (1858) D'azur à trois pinsons d'or.
  • (1985) Gedeeld 1. in lazuur drie vinken van goud 2. in goud een dwarsbalk geschaakt van drie rijen van zilver en van keel.


The arms were granted on November 28, 1821 and confirmed on October 8, 1858. New arms were granted on September 2, 1985.

The old arms show the canting arms of the De Vinck (vink is finch) family, Lords of Wuustwezel from the mid 17th century until 1793.


The colours are the Dutch national colours, as in 1813 the mayor applied without indicating the colours. The arms were thus granted in the national colours. When the arms were confirmed after the Belgian independence, the colours were not changed.

The new arms combine the finches with the arms of Loenhout.

Wapen van/Blason de Wuustwezel

The arms in the Koffie Hag/Café Hag albums +/- 1930
Wapen van/Blason de Wuustwezel

The arms on a police badge (source)

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Literature: Servais, 1955; Anonymous : Van evers en heiligen - wapens en vlaggen van de gemeenten in de provincie Antwerpen. Antwerpen, 1998.