Great Torrington

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Incorporated into: 1974 Torridge

Arms (crest) of Great Torrington

Official blazon

Argent in base two Bars wavy Azure over all a Fleur-de-Lys Sable all within a Bordure engrailed of the last.


The arms were officially granted on April 14, 1948.

The arms were first mentioned on September 6, 1564 and recorded at the Visitation of 1620 which differed from the above in that all the charges were Sable.

The arms based on the device on a fifteenth-century seal of the Corporation, were confirmed by the heralds in 1564. The wavy bars refer to the River Torridge and the fleur-de-lis was probably derived from the Royal Arms. The engrailing of the border is traceable to decorative work on the seal.

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