Murça (city)

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Brasão de Murça (city)/Arms (crest) of Murça (city)

Country: Portugal

District: Vila Real

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Official blazon
Portuguese Escudo de prata com uma oliveira de verde, frutada, troncada e arrancada de negro acompanhada por dois cachos de uvas de ouro, folhados e sustidos de verde. Em chefe de negro, o vulto do monumento denominado por " porca de Murça ", de prata. Coroa mural de quatro torres de prata. Listel branco com a legenda de negro : " VILA DE MURÇA ".
English blazon wanted


The arms were officially granted on March 12, 1936.

The arms show a wild boar, the Boar of Murça, which, according to legend, in the 9th century terrorised the village. It has also been referred to as an ancient Celtic diety. There is, obviously, no poof of any of this, but there is a large statue of the boar in the town.

The olive tree and grapes refer to the two main crops in the municipality.

The statue of the boar (source):


Freguesias in Murça :

Literature : image send by Sergio Horta

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