National Association of Goldsmiths of Great Britain and Ireland

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Arms (crest) of National Association of Goldsmiths of Great Britain and Ireland

Institutional Heraldry of the World:
Country :

  • Ireland

  • United Kingdom
    • England

Official blazon
  • (English grant)

Arms: Quarterly Or and argent, on a cross quar­terly gules and azure a lion's face gold ; on a chief per pale of the fourth and third a pair of scales of the first.
Crest: On a wreath Or, gules, azure, argent, gules, azure, A demi figure representing St. Dunstan, nimbed, habited and mitred as a bishop, his dexter hand raised in benediction and his sinister hand resting upon a covered cup all Or. Mantled parted gules and azure, doubled Or and argent.
Supporters: On either side a unicorn reguardant Or, armed, crined, unguled, and gorged with a chain, argent, pendant therefrom an escutcheon quarterly gules and azure, that on the dexter charged with an annulet gold gemmed also argent and that on the sinister with an hourglass also Or.
Motto: Concordia, lntegritas, Industria

  • (Irish grant)

Quarterly Or and Argent on a cross quarterly Gules and Azure a lion's face Gold, a chief per pale also Azure and of the third thereon a pair of scales of the first. Crest : On a wreath Or, Gules, Azure, Argent, Gules and Azure, a demi-figure representing St. Dunstan, nimbed, habited and mitred as a Bishop, his dexter hand raised in benediction and his sinister hand resting on a covered cup, all Or. Supporters : On either side a unicorn regardant Or armed, crined, unguled and gorged with a chain Argent pendant therefrom an escutcheon quarterly Gules and Azure, that on the dexter charged with an annulet Gold gemmed also Argent and that on the sinister with an hourglass also Or.


The arms were officially granted on December 15, 1960 (British grant) and May 27, 1988 (Irish grant).

Unfortunately we have no information on the meaning or origin of these arms yet.

If you have any information on the origin or meaning of these arms, or have additional images that you want to share, please mail us your information !


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