Category:Anglican bishops
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Overview of Anglican bishops which use arms.
Pages in category "Anglican bishops"
The following 525 pages are in this category, out of 525 total.
- Gervase Babington
- Horace William Baden Donegan
- Lewis Bagot
- Richard Bagot
- William Baker
- John Bancroft
- Richard Bancroft
- Charles Baring
- Thomas Barlow
- William Barlow (Bishop of Chichester)
- William Barlow (Bishop of Lincoln)
- Richard Barnes
- Shute Barrington
- Isaac Barrow
- Henry Bathurst
- Lewis Bayly
- Richard Beadon
- James Beauclerk
- William Beaw
- John Bell
- Susan Bell
- Hugh Bellot
- Robert Bennet
- Martin Benson
- Thomas Bentham
- Gilbert Berkeley
- John Best
- Christopher Bethell
- William Beveridge
- Robert Bickersteth
- Thomas Bickley
- Thomas Bilson
- John Bird
- Michael Bird
- Philip Bisse
- Ofspring Blackall
- Lancelot Blackburne
- Walter Blandford
- William Blethyn
- Charles James Blomfield
- Hugh Boulter
- Thomas Bowers
- James Bowstead
- William Bradbridge
- Samuel Bradford
- William Bradshaw
- Ralph Brideoake
- Henry Bridgeman
- John Bridgeman
- John Bridges
- James Brooks
- Edward Harold Browne
- Ralph Brownrigg
- John Buckeridge
- John Buckner
- Arthur Bulkeley
- George Bull
- William Buller
- John Bullingham
- Nicholas Bullingham
- Thomas Burgess
- Gilbert Burnet
- Paul Bush
- John Butler
- Joseph Butler
- Samuel Butler
- Robert Butts
- Gregory Cameron
- William Carey
- George Carleton
- Guy Carleton
- Robert Carr
- Valentine Cary
- Charles Cecil
- William Chaderton
- John Chambers
- Edward Chandler
- Richard Cheyney
- George Chinnery
- Nicholas Clagett
- Thomas Legh Claughton
- Robert Clavering
- William Cleaver
- William Grant Cliff
- Frederick Donald Coggan
- George Coke
- John Coldwell
- William Hart Coleridge
- James Colquhoun Campbell
- Henry Compton
- John Conybeare
- Thomas Cooper
- Edward Copleston
- Richard Corbet
- Folliott Cornewall
- Frederick Cornwallis
- James Cornwallis
- John Cosin
- George Cotes
- William Cotton
- Reginald Courtenay
- Myles Coverdale
- Richard Cox
- Robert Creighton
- Edward Cresset
- Nathaniel Crew
- Claudius Crigan
- Herbert Croft
- Richard Cumberland
- Walter Curle
- Richard Curteys
- Hugh Curwen
- Cyril Forster Garbett
- James Gardiner
- Francis Gastrell
- John Gauden
- Edmund Gheast
- Edmund Gibson
- Robert Todd Giffin
- Ashurst Gilbert
- John Gilbert
- Henry Glemham
- Francis Godwin
- Thomas Godwin
- Godfrey Goldsborough
- Thomas Gooch
- Samuel Goodenough
- Godfrey Goodman
- John Graham
- Robert Gray
- John Green
- Thomas Green
- Edward Grey
- Edmund Griffith
- George Griffith
- Robert Grove
- William Gulston
- Peter Gunning
- John Hacket
- George Hall
- John Hall
- Joseph Hall
- Timothy Hall
- Samuel Hallifax
- Walter Kerr Hamilton
- Renn Hampden
- John Hanmer
- Edward Harcourt
- Francis Hare
- John Harley I
- John Harley II
- John Harris
- Samuel Harsnett
- Thomas Goodwin Hatchard
- Thomas Hayter
- Robert Heavener
- Humphrey Henchman
- Joseph Henshaw
- Thomas Herring
- Martin Heton
- Mark Hiddesley
- John Hilsey
- John Hinchliffe
- Samuel Hinds
- Benjamin Hoadly
- Henry Holbeach
- Robert Holgate
- John Holyman
- George Hooper
- John Hooper
- David Michael Hope
- George Horne
- Robert Horne
- Samuel Horsley
- John Hough
- Thomas Howell
- Richard Howland
- William Howley
- John Howson
- William Hughes
- John Hume
- Humphrey Humphreys
- George Huntingford
- Richard Hurd
- Matthew Hutton
- Alexander Hyde
- Arthur Lake
- John Lake
- Robert Lamb
- Thomas Lamplugh
- Cosmo Gordon Lang
- Benjamin Lany
- Hugh Latimer
- William Laud
- George Lavington
- Edmund Law
- George Henry Law
- Rowland Lee
- Augustus Legge
- Edward Legge
- John Leng
- Baptist Levinz
- Joseph Barber Lightfoot
- Augustine Lindsell
- Samuel Lisle
- Charles Lloyd
- George Lloyd
- Hugh Lloyd
- Humphrey Lloyd
- John Lloyd
- William Lloyd (Llandaff)
- William Lloyd (Worcester)
- Charles Thomas Longley
- John Lonsdale
- Robert Lowth
- William Lucy
- John Luxmoore
- Charles Lyttelton
- John Fielder Mackarness
- William Dalrymple Maclagan
- Spencer Madan
- Isaac Maddox
- Henry William Majendie
- Edward Maltby
- Henry Man
- Charles Manners-Sutton
- Thomas Manningham
- Herbert Marsh
- William Markham
- Tobias Matthew
- Leonard Mawe
- Matthias Mawson
- John May
- Roger Maynwaring
- John McIntyre
- Peter Mews
- John Meyrick
- Rowland Meyrick
- Marmaduke Middleton
- Richard Milbourne
- William Van Mildert
- Nicholas Monck
- Francis Moncreiff
- James Henry Monk
- Richard Montagu
- James Montague
- George Montaigne
- John Moore (Anglican)
- John Moore (Bangor)
- Robert Morgan
- William Morgan
- George Morley
- Thomas Morton
- Charles Moss (I)
- Charles Moss (II)
- Philip Du Moulin
- George Murray (I)
- George Murray (II)
- William Murray
- Thomas Musgrave
- Louis George Mylne
- Luke Paget
- Samuel Parker
- John Parkhurst
- Richard Parr
- Henry Hutton Parry
- Henry Parry
- Richard Parry
- John Parsons
- Simon Patrick
- William Paul
- Zacariah Pearce
- John Pearson
- George Pelham
- John Thomas Pelham
- Samuel Peploe
- Henry Pepys
- Hugh Percy
- Henry Phillpotts
- John Piers
- William Piers
- James Pilkington
- David Pole
- John Ponet
- Beilby Porteus
- Barnaby Potter
- John Potter
- Horatio Powys
- George Pretyman
- John Prideaux
- James Prince Lee
- John Pritchett
- John Salcott
- John Salisbury
- Richard Sampson
- Robert Sanderson
- Edwin Sandys
- Edmund Scambler
- John Scory
- Cuthbert Scott
- Rowland Searchfield
- Thomas Secker
- George Selwyn
- Richard Senhouse
- Nicholas Shaxton
- Gilbert Sheldon
- Thomas Sherlock
- Jonathan Shipley
- Walter Shirley
- Thomas Vowler Short
- Philip Shuttleworth
- Robert Skinner
- John Skypp
- Richard Smalbroke
- Edward Smallwell
- George Smalridge
- Miles Smith
- Thomas Smith
- Robert Snoden
- Bowyer Sparke
- Anthony Sparrow
- Thomas Sprat
- Samuel Squire
- Edward Stanley
- George Henry Stanton
- Richard Sterne
- John Still
- Edward Stillingfleet
- Nicholas Stratford
- William Stuart
- William Stubbs
- Charles Richard Sumner
- John Bird Sumner
- James Sweeny
- Elias Sydall
- Archibald Campbell Tait
- William Talbot
- Thomas Tanner
- John Taylor
- Frederick Temple
- William Temple
- Thomas Tenison
- Richard Terrick
- Connop Thirlwall
- John Thomas (I)
- John Thomas (II)
- William Thomas
- Giles Thomson
- John Thornborough
- Thomas Thurlow
- Robert Tounson
- John Towers
- Jonathan Trelawny
- Richard Trevor
- Charles Trimnell
- Michael Turnbull
- Francis Turner
- Thomas Turton
- John Tyler
- William Tyrell
- Edward Waddington
- William Wake
- John Wakeman
- Brian Walton
- William Warburton
- Seth Ward
- William Ward
- John Warner
- John Warren
- Anthony Watson
- John Watson
- Richard Watson
- Thomas Watson (Bishop of St. Davids)
- John Waugh
- Herbert Westfaling
- Thomas Westfield
- Stephen Weston
- Francis White
- Thomas White
- Edward White Benson
- John Whitgift
- William Wickham
- Samuel Wilberforce
- Joseph Wilcocks
- John Wilkins
- Edward Willes
- William Basil Jones
- John Williams (Bishop of Chichester)
- John Williams (Bishop of Lincoln)
- Richard Willis
- Christopher Wilson
- Daniel Wilson
- Thomas Wilson
- Anthony Wilson Thorold
- Thomas Winniffe
- Laurence Womock
- Thomas Wood
- James Woodford
- John Woolton
- Clarendon Worrell
- Matthew Wren
- Robert Wright
- John Wynne
Media in category "Anglican bishops"
The following 14 files are in this category, out of 14 total.
- Brechin-jermyn.png 332 × 567; 177 KB
- Brechin-luscombe.png 474 × 788; 430 KB
- Brechin-peyton.png 428 × 571; 295 KB
- Dallasepisc-sumner.png 225 × 277; 89 KB
- Diocariboo.png 142 × 183; 43 KB
- Durham-thurlow.png 1,024 × 997; 362 KB
- Huron-townshend.png 159 × 281; 77 KB
- Lusitanianch-pereira.png 923 × 945; 1.56 MB
- Maryland-sutton.png 174 × 238; 71 KB
- Quebec-drainville.png 464 × 624; 401 KB
- Quebec-myers.png 425 × 592; 385 KB
- Rechin-peyton.png 428 × 571; 295 KB
- Stasaph-cameron.gif 150 × 226; 13 KB
- Zanzibar-birley.png 364 × 567; 123 KB