Category:Institutional heraldry of the United Kingdom
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This part of the site shows the registered arms of institutions, such as hospitals, companies, zoos, associations etc. in the United Kingdom
For many arms only the blazon is known, but no (colour) picture is available. Any additional images are welcome !
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This category has the following 2 subcategories, out of 2 total.
- London Guilds (112 P)
- United Kingdom Guilds (13 P)
Pages in category "Institutional heraldry of the United Kingdom"
The following 776 pages are in this category, out of 776 total.
- Aberdeen Association of Civil Engineers
- Aberdeen Harbour Board
- Aberdeen Old People's Welfare Council
- Aberlour Community Association
- Aeroplane and Armament Experimental Establishment
- All England Lawn Tennis and Croquet Club
- Anatomical Society
- Anglo-Swedish Society
- Antiquarian Horological Society
- Armstrong Trust
- Associated Clan MacLeod Societies
- Association of Anaesthetists of Great Britain and Ireland
- Association of British Dispensing Opticians
- Association of British Neurologists
- Association of Certified Accountants
- Association of Coloproctology of Great Britain and Ireland
- Association of Commonwealth Universities
- Association of Consulting Engineers
- Association of Deacons (Glasgow)
- Association of Men of Kent and Kentish Men
- Association of Mining Electrical and Mechanical Engineers
- Association of Municipal and County Engineers
- Association of Municipal Authorities of Northern Ireland
- Association of Preparatory Schools
- Association of Public Health Inspectors
- Association of Rating and Valuation Officers
- Association of Scottish Genealogists and Researchers in Archives
- Aston Charities Trust
- Automobile Association
- Aycliffe Development Corporation
- Bakers in Exeter
- Bakers' Company of Chester
- Balbirnie Park Golf Club
- Barbers in Exeter
- Barnsley Hospital
- Basildon Development Corporation
- Bethlem Royal Hospital and The Maudsley Hospital
- Birmingham and Midland Heraldry Society
- Birmingham and Midland Institute
- Birmingham Chamber of Commerce and Industry
- Birmingham General Hospital
- Birmingham United Hospital Group
- Birmingham United Hospitals
- Blairgowrie Golf Club
- Bluemantle Pursuivant
- Blyth Harbour Commission
- Bracknell Development Corporation
- Bradford Textile Society
- Brecknockshire Agricultural Society
- Brewers in Exeter
- Bristol Royal Infirmary
- Bristol, Clifton and West of England Zoological Society
- British Aerospace Authority
- British Airports Authority
- British Antique Dealers' Association
- British Association for the Advancement of Science
- British Association of Oral Surgeons
- British Association of Plastic Surgeons
- British Broadcasting Corporation
- British College of Ophthalmic Opticians
- British Computer Society
- British Council
- British Dental Association
- British Dietetic Association
- British Federation of Women Graduates
- British Horological Institute
- British Institute of Innkeeping
- British Institute of Management
- British Institute of Professional Photography
- British Institute of Radiology
- British Institution of Radio Engineers
- British Insurance Association
- British Insurance Brokers Association
- British Internal Combustion Engine Manufacturers' Association
- British Interplanetary Society
- British Limbless Ex-Servicemen’s Association
- British Medical Association
- British Occupational Hygiene Society
- British Olympic Association and the British Paralympic Association
- British Orthodontic Society
- British Orthopaedic Association
- British Pain Society
- British Postgraduate Medical Federation
- British Railways Board
- British Society of Surgery of the Hand
- British Standards Institution
- British Transport Commission
- British Travel Association
- British Tugowners Association
- Bruntisfield Golf Club
- Building Societies Association
- Burgess Association of Edinburgh
- Burgesses of Guild of the City and Royal Burgh of Aberdeen
- Butchers in Exeter
- Cambridge University Heraldic and Genealogical Society
- Cappers, Haberdashers and Feltmakers in Exeter
- Central Electricity Generating Board
- Central Midwives' Board of Scotland
- Chamber of Shipping
- Chartered Auctioneers and Estate Agents Institute
- Chartered College of Teaching
- Chartered Institute for Securities and Investment
- Chartered Institute of Building
- Chartered Institute of Legal Executives
- Chartered Institute of Loss Adjusters
- Chartered Institute of Management Accountants
- Chartered Institute of Marketing
- Chartered Institution for Further Education
- Chartered Insurance Institute
- Chartered Society of Forensic Sciences
- Cheshire Police Authority
- Chester Herald
- Choral Foundation of the Chapel Royal of St. Peter ad Vincula in the Tower of London
- CIBA Foundation for the Promotion of International Cooperation in Medical and Chemical Research
- City and Guilds of London Institute
- City of London Solicitors' Company
- Clan Buchanan Society
- Clan Cameron Association
- Clan Currie Society
- Clan Dhai Society
- Clan Graham Society
- Clan Little Society
- Clan MacFarlane Society
- Clan Mackenzie Society
- Clan MacRae Society
- Clan Macrae Society of North America
- Clan Morrison Society
- Clan Wardlaw Association
- Clarenceux King of Arms
- Coal Factors' Society
- College of Arms
- College of Optometrists
- College of Preceptors
- Colour Group
- Commission for New Towns
- Commonwealth Development Corporation
- Commonwealth Telecommunications Organisation
- Company of Cutlers in Hallamshire
- Company of Master Jewellers
- Company of Watermen and Lightermen
- Concrete Society
- Confederation of Cinque Ports
- Convenery of the Incorporated Trades of Edinburgh
- The Convenor Court of the Seven Incorporated Trades of Aberdeen
- Coopers and Hellyars in Exeter
- Cordwainers in Exeter
- Corinthian Casuals Football Club
- Corporation of Secretaries
- Corporation of the Sons of the Clergy
- Council for National Academic Awards
- Country Landowners Association
- Court of Lord Lyon
- Craft and Incorporation of Shoemakers of Aberdeen
- Craft and Incorporation of the Bakers of Aberdeen
- Craft and Incorporation of the Fleshers or Butchers of Aberdeen
- Craft and Incorporation of the Hammermen of Aberdeen
- Craft and Incorporation of the Tailors of Aberdeen
- Craft and Incorporation of the Weavers of Aberdeen
- Craft and Incorporation of the Wrights and Coopers of Aberdeen
- Crail Golfing Society
- Crawley Development Corporation
- De Laszlo Archive Trust
- Dean of Guild Court of the Burgh of the City of Glasgow
- Deeside Golf Club
- Derby County and Borough Police Authority
- Devon and Cornwall Constabulary
- Devon and Cornwall Fire Service
- Devon Fire and Rescue Service
- Dingwall Pursuivant
- Dock and Harbour Authorities Association
- Doncaster and District Joint Water Board
- Dumfries and Galloway Golf Club
- Dunfermline Golf Club
- Faculty of Ophthalmologists
- Faculty of Procurators in Glasgow
- Falmouth Docks and Engineering Company
- Federation of Clan Campbell Societies
- Federation of Family History Societies
- Federation of Small Businesses
- Fitzalan Herald Extraordinary
- Football Association
- Football Association of Wales
- Football League
- Forth Road Bridge Joint Board
- Foundling Hospital
- Fraternity of Dyers of Linlithgow
- Freemen Fleshers of Edinburgh
- Freemen in the Suburbs about London
- Fuel Institute
- Garter Principal King of Arms
- Gas Council
- Gemmological Association of Great Britain
- General Accountant's Association
- General Dental Council
- Glasgow Golf Club
- Glasgow Hammermen
- Glasgow Western and Gartnavel Hospitals
- Glovers and Skinners in Exeter
- Grand Antiquity Society of Glasgow
- Grand Lodge of Mark Master Masons
- Grand Priory in the British Realm of the Most Venerable Order of the Hospital of St. John of Jerusalem
- Grant-Maintained Schools Foundation
- Grantham and Kesteven Hospital
- Greater Manchester Fire and Civil Defence Authority
- Greenock Burns-Club
- Greenwich Hospital
- Grimsby, Cleethorpes and District Water Board
- Guild of Architectural Ironmongers
- Guild of Freemen of the City of London
- Guildry of Dundee
- Guy's Hospital
- Gwynedd River Authority
- Gwynned Police Authority
- Harlow Development Corporation
- Hemel Hempstead Development Corporation
- Herald Painter to the Court of the Lord Lyon
- Heraldry Society
- High Constabulary of the Port of Leith
- High Sheriff of Hertfordshire
- Holborn Law Society
- Holborn Law Tutors
- Honorary Vexillologist to the Court of the Lord Lyon
- Honourable Artillery Company
- Honourable Company of Air Pilots
- Honourable Company of Edinburgh Golfers
- Honourable Company of Master Mariners
- Honourable Society of Cymmrodorion
- Honourable Society of Lincoln's Inn
- Honourable Society of the Inner Temple
- Honourable Society of the Middle Temple
- Hospital of Queen Elizabeth in Donnington
- Imperial Society of Knights Bachelor
- Imperial War Museum
- Incorporated Association of Architects and Surveyors
- Incorporated Society of Auctioneers and Landed Property Agents
- Incorporated Society of Valuers and Auctioneers
- Incorporated trades of Stornoway
- Incorporation of Bakers of Glasgow
- Incorporation of Bonnetmakers and Dyers of Glasgow
- Incorporation of Candlemakers of Edinburgh
- Incorporation of Coopers of Glasgow
- Incorporation of Cordiners in Glasgow
- Incorporation of Fleshers of Glasgow
- Incorporation of Gardeners of Glasgow
- Incorporation of Maltmen of Glasgow
- Incorporation of Masons of Glasgow
- Incorporation of Skinners and Glovers in Glasgow
- Incorporation of Tailors in Glasgow
- Incorporation of the Chirurgeons and Barbers of Glasgow
- Incorporation of Weavers of Glasgow
- Incorporation of Wrights in Glasgow
- Independent Schools Association
- Institute of Accident Surgery
- Institute of Accountants and Actuaries in Glasgow
- Institute of Actuaries
- Institute of Bankers
- Institute of Book-keepers and Related Data Processing
- Institute of Brewing
- Institute of Builders
- Institute of Building Surveyors
- Institute of Carpenters
- Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales
- Institute of Chartered Accountants of Scotland
- Institute of Chartered Secretaries
- Institute of Chartered Shipbrokers
- Institute of Clerks of Works of Great Britain
- Institute of Cost and Works Accountants
- Institute of Directors
- Institute of Energy
- Institute of Financial Accountants
- Institute of Groundsmanship
- Institute of Heraldic and Genealogical Studies
- Institute of Hospital Administrators
- Institute of Hospital Engineering
- Institute of Incorporated Photographers
- Institute of Industrial Supervisors
- Institute of Linguists
- Institute of London Underwriters
- Institute of Management Consultants
- Institute of Management Services
- Institute of Marine Engineers
- Institute of Marketing and Sales Management
- Institute of Masters of Wine
- Institute of Measurement and Control
- Institute of Meat
- Institute of Medical Laboratory Technology
- Institute of Metals
- Institute of Municipal Treasurers and Accountants
- Institute of Office Management
- Institute of Park Administration
- Institute of Printing
- Institute of Purchasing
- Institute of Quality Assurance
- Institute of Quantity Surveyors
- Institute of Quarrying
- Institute of Road Transport Engineers
- Institute of Sport and Exercise Medicine
- Institute of Taxation
- Institute of the Motor Industry
- Institute of Traffic Accident Investigators
- Institute of Wastes Management
- Institute of Water Pollution Control
- Institute of Work Study
- Institute of Works Managers
- Institution of British Engineers
- Institution of Business Agents
- Institution of Chemical Engineers
- Institution of Civil Engineers
- Institution of Electrical Engineers
- Institution of Gas Engineers
- Institution of Mechanical Engineers
- Institution of Mining and Metallurgy
- Institution of Plant Engineers
- Institution of Production Engineers
- Institution of Structural Engineers
- International Association of Clan MacInnes
- International Institute of Risk and Safety Management
- Iron and Steel Institute
- Lancaster Herald
- Lancaster Moor Hospital
- Law Society of England and Wales
- Lee Conservancy Board
- Lee Conservancy Catchment Board
- Leeds Chamber of Commerce
- Leicester Grammar School Trust
- Leicestershire Police
- Linnean Society of London
- London Ambulance Service
- London Association of Certified Accountants
- London Chamber of Commerce
- London Clinic
- London College of Music
- London Fire and Civil Defence Authority
- London Master Builders Association
- London Retail Meat Traders Association
- London Stock Exchange
- Londonderry Port and Harbour Commissioners
- Lord Lyon King of Arms
- Luton and Dunstable University Hospital
- Lyon Clerk and Keeper of Records
- Lytham Schools Foundation
- Macer of the Court of Lord Lyon
- Magistrates' Association
- Makers of Alamodes, Renforce and Lutestrings
- Maltravers Herald Extraordinary
- Manchester and Salford Bank
- Manchester and Salford Police Authority
- Manchester Chamber of Commerce
- Manchester Law Society
- Manchester Port Health Authority
- Manchester Stock Exchange
- Marchmont Herald
- Master Butchers Association of Edinburgh
- Materials Processing Institute
- Mathematical Association
- Medical Society of London
- Merchant Guildry of Stirling
- Merchants House of Glasgow
- Merchants in Exeter
- Mersey and Weaver River Authority
- Mersey Docks and Harbour Board
- Mersey Tunnel Joint Committee
- Metropolitan Asylums Board
- Metropolitan Grand Lodge of London
- Metropolitan Police Service
- Metropolitan Water Board
- Mid and West Wales Fire and Rescue Service
- Mid-Anglia Constabulary
- Middlesex Hospital
- Milford Haven Conservancy Board
- Milk Marketing Board
- Monumental Brass Society
- Moorfields Eye Hospital
- Most Noble Order of the Garter
- Mothers' Union
- Murray Clan Society
- Museums Association
- National Association of Auctioneers, House Agents, Rating Surveyors and Valuers
- National Association of Estate Agents
- National Association of Goldsmiths of Great Britain and Ireland
- National Association of Retired Police Officers
- National Coal Board
- National Council for Technological Awards
- National Dock Labour Board
- National Farmers' Union
- National Federation of Building Trades Employers
- National Federation of Demolition Contractors
- National Federation of Fruit and Potato Trades
- National Gas Turbine Establishment
- National Heart Hospital
- National Institute of Hardware
- National Institute of Medical Herbalists
- National Library of Wales
- National Memorial Fund
- National Music Council of Great Britain
- National Playing Fields Association
- National Policing Improvement Agency
- National Society
- National Wool Textile Export Corporation
- New Zealand Herald Extraordinary
- Newcastle Area Health Authority
- Newcastle Regional Hospital Board
- Newcastle Upon Tyne Law Society
- Newport and South Monmouthshire Water Board
- Nine Incorporated Trades of Dundee
- Norfolk and Norwich University Hospital
- Norfolk Herald Extraordinary
- Norfolk Heraldry Society
- Norfolk Joint Police Authority
- Norroy and Ulster King of Arms
- North Berwick Golf Glub
- North Eastern Hospitals Board
- North Thames Gas Board
- North Wales Fire and Rescue Service
- North Wales Police
- North-east Coast Institution of Engineers and Shipbuilders
- Northern Ireland Fire Brigade
- Nottinghamshire Combined Police Authority
- Nottinghamshire Magistrates Court Committee
- Painters, Joiners, Carpenters, Masons and Glaziers in Exeter
- Performing Right Society
- Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain
- Pitlochry Festival Theatre
- Police Dependants' Trust
- Police Federation for Northern Ireland
- Police Federation of England and Wales
- Police Superintendents’ Association
- Port of London Authority
- Portcullis Pursuivant
- Poultry Association of Great Britain
- Prebendal Foundation of St Endellion
- Procurator Fiscal to Court of the Lord Lyon
- Professional Development Foundation
- Professional Golfers' Association
- Provincial Grand Lodge of Buckinghamshire
- Provincial Grand Lodge of Cheshire
- Provincial Grand Lodge of Dorset
- Provincial Grand Lodge of Durham
- Provincial Grand Lodge of East Lancashire
- Provincial Grand Lodge of Essex
- Provincial Grand Lodge of Gloucester
- Provincial Grand Lodge of Middlesex
- Provincial Grand Lodge of Norfolk
- Provincial Grand Lodge of Staffordshire
- Provincial Grand Lodge of Surrey
- Provincial Grand Lodge of West Lancashire
- Provincial Grand Lodge of Wiltshire
- Public Relations Consultants Association
- Radio Manufacturers Association
- RAF Museum Hendon
- Refractories Association of Great Britain
- Regius Professor of Devinity, University of Cambridge
- Regius Professor of Greke, University of Cambridge
- Regius Professor of Hebrew, University of Cambridge
- Regius Professor of Lawe, University of Cambridge
- Regius Professor of Phisicke, University of Cambridge
- Retail Fruit Trade Association
- Richard III Society
- Richmond Herald
- Robert Jones and Agnes Hunt Orthopaedic Hospital
- Rochford Hundred Rugby Club
- Ross Herald
- Rothesay Herald
- Rouge Croix Pursuivant
- Rouge Dragon Pursuivant
- Royal Academy of Dance
- Royal Aircraft Establishment
- Royal Ballet School
- Royal Berkshire Hospital
- Royal Burgess Golfing Society of Edinburgh
- Royal Celtic Society
- Royal Central Asian Society
- Royal College of Emergency Medicine
- Royal College of General Practitioners
- Royal College of Midwives
- Royal College of Midwives, Glasgow Branch
- Royal College of Nursing
- Royal College of Nursing and National Council of Nurses Scottish Board
- Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists
- Royal College of Ophthalmologists
- Royal College of Paediatrics and Childs Health
- Royal College of Pathologists
- Royal College of Physicians
- Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh
- Royal College of Psychiatrists
- Royal College of Radiologists
- Royal College of Suregons of England - College of Anaesthetists
- Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh
- Royal College of Surgeons of England
- Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons
- Royal Company of Merchants of the City of Edinburgh
- Royal Dental Hospital of London School of Dental Surgery
- Royal Dornoch Golf Club
- Royal Edinburgh Military Tattoo
- Royal Faculty of Physicians and Surgeons of Glasgow
- Royal Forestry Society
- Royal Free, University College and Middlesex Medical Students RFC
- Royal Gwent Hospital
- Royal Horticultural Society
- Royal Hospital, Wolverhampton
- Royal Institute of Chemistry
- Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors
- Royal Institution of Great Britain
- Royal Institution of Naval Architects
- Royal Liverpool Philharmonic Society
- Royal London Hospital
- Royal Mail Lines
- Royal Marsden Hospital
- Royal Medico Psychological Association
- Royal Mint
- Royal Musselburgh Golf Club
- Royal National Throat, Nose and Ear Hospital
- Royal Over-Seas League
- Royal Philharmonic Orchestra
- Royal Photographic Society
- Royal Radar Establishment
- Royal School of Church Music
- Royal Scottish Academy
- Royal Scottish Geographical Society
- Royal Scottish Society of the Arts
- Royal Seamen's Pension Fund
- Royal Society for the encouragement of Arts, Manufactures and Commerce
- Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals
- Royal Society of Biology
- Royal Society of Chemistry
- Royal Society of Edinburgh
- Royal Society of Health
- Royal Society of London for Improving Natural Knowledge
- Royal Society of Medicine
- Royal Society of Miniature Painters
- Royal Society of St George
- Royal Troon Golf Club
- Royal Zoological Society of Scotland
- Rugby Football Union
- Salford Hospital Management Committee
- Salvage Association
- Sandhurst
- Savings Bank Institute
- Scottish Ahlul Bayt Society
- Scottish Council for Social Service
- Scottish Examination Board
- Scottish Gas Board
- Scottish Genealogy Society
- Scottish Landowners' Federation
- Scottish National Committee of Ophthalmic Opticians
- Scottish Police Federation
- Scottish Qualification Authority
- Scottish Rugby Union
- Scottish Schoolmasters' Association
- Scottish Secondary Teachers Association
- Scout Association
- Seafarers' Education Service
- Secretaries' Association
- Sekford's Hospital
- Services Kinema Corporation
- Severn Trent Water Authority
- Sheffield and Rotherham Police Authority
- Shipping Federation
- Shrievalty Association
- Sino-British Fellowship Trust
- Smiths, Cutlers and Saddlers in Exeter
- Snawdoun Herald
- Society of Advocates in Aberdeen
- Society of Ancient Britons
- Society of Antiquaries
- Society of Chiropodists and Podiatrists
- Society of Clerks of the Peace of Counties and of Clerks of County Councils
- Society of Company and Commercial Accountants
- Society of Deacons and Free Preseses (Glasgow)
- Society of Dyers and Colourists
- Society of Electronic and Radio Technicians
- Society of Environmental Engineers
- Society of Genealogists
- Society of Heraldic Arts
- Society of Incorporated Accountants and Auditors
- Society of Radiographers
- Society of Town Clerks
- Somerset Herald
- South East Coast Ambulance Service
- South Eastern Electricity Board
- South London Hospital for Women and Children
- South Wales Electricity Board
- South Wales Fire Service
- South Yorkshire Police
- Southampton Harbour Board
- Southern Gas Board
- St Bartholomew's Hospital
- St George's Hospital
- St Thomas' Hospital
- St Thomas's Fund For the Homeless
- Stewart Society
- Suffolk and Ipswich Fire Authority
- Sugar Board
- Sussex Police Authority
- Swimming Teachers Association
- Tailors in Exeter
- Tees Conservancy Commissioners
- Tees Valley Water Board
- Textile Institute
- Thames Traditional Rowing Association
- Thames Valley Police Authority
- Thames Water Authority
- The Regius Professor of Lawe in the University of Cambridge
- The Regius Professor of Phisicke in the University of Cambridge
- Trades Hall Of Glasgow
- Trades House of Glasgow Lodge
- Tradesmen and Artificers' Society
- Trauma Care
- Trent River Authority
- Trinity House
- Trump International Golf Links
- Trustees for Methodist Church Purposes
- Turnbull Clan Association
- Wales Herald Extraordinary
- Wardens and Guardians of the Standard of Wrought Plate in Birmingham
- Washington Development Corporation
- Water Supply Industry Training Board
- Weavers and Fullers in Exeter
- Weavers Society of Anderston
- Welding Institute
- Welsh Rugby Union
- West Linton Golf Club
- West Mercia Police Authority
- West Midlands Constabulary
- West Midlands Gas Board
- West Midlands Police
- West Yorkshire Police
- Westfield House
- Westhill Golf Club
- Westminster Chamber of Commerce
- Westminster Hospital
- Whitgift Foundation
- Wimbledon and Putney Commons Conservators
- Windsor Herald
- Wolverhampton Hospital Management Committee
- Worshipful Company of Actuaries
- Worshipful Company of Arbitrators
- Worshipful Company of Armourers and Brasiers
- Worshipful Company of Arts Scholars
- Worshipful Company of Bakers
- Worshipful Company of Barbers
- Worshipful Company of Basketmakers
- Worshipful Company of Blacksmiths
- Worshipful Company of Bowyers
- Worshipful Company of Brewers
- Worshipful Company of Broderers
- Worshipful Company of Builder Merchants
- Worshipful Company of Butchers
- Worshipful Company of Carmen
- Worshipful Company of Carpenters
- Worshipful Company of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales
- Worshipful Company of Chartered Architects
- Worshipful Company of Chartered Secretaries and Administrators
- Worshipful Company of Chartered Surveyors
- Worshipful Company of Clockmakers
- Worshipful Company of Clothworkers
- Worshipful Company of Coachmakers and Coach Harness Makers
- Worshipful Company of Constructors
- Worshipful Company of Cooks
- Worshipful Company of Coopers
- Worshipful Company of Cordwainers
- Worshipful Company of Curriers
- Worshipful Company of Cutlers
- Worshipful Company of Distillers
- Worshipful Company of Drapers
- Worshipful Company of Dyers
- Worshipful Company of Educators
- Worshipful Company of Engineers
- Worshipful Company of Environmental Cleaners
- Worshipful Company of Fanmakers
- Worshipful Company of Farmers
- Worshipful Company of Farriers
- Worshipful Company of Feltmakers
- Worshipful Company of Firefighters
- Worshipful Company of Fishmongers
- Worshipful Company of Fletchers
- Worshipful Company of Founders
- Worshipful Company of Framework Knitters
- Worshipful Company of Fruiterers
- Worshipful Company of Fuellers
- Worshipful Company of Furniture Makers
- Worshipful Company of Gardeners
- Worshipful Company of Girdlers
- Worshipful Company of Glass Sellers
- Worshipful Company of Glaziers and Painters of Glass
- Worshipful Company of Glovers
- Worshipful Company of Gold and Silver Wyre Drawers
- Worshipful Company of Goldsmiths
- Worshipful Company of Grocers
- Worshipful Company of Gunmakers
- Worshipful Company of Haberdashers
- Worshipful Company of Hackney Carriage Drivers
- Worshipful Company of Horners
- Worshipful Company of Information Technologists
- Worshipful Company of Innholders
- Worshipful Company of Insurers
- Worshipful Company of International Bankers
- Worshipful Company of Ironmongers
- Worshipful Company of Joiners and Ceilers
- Worshipful Company of Launderers
- Worshipful Company of Leathersellers
- Worshipful Company of Lightmongers
- Worshipful Company of Loriners
- Worshipful Company of Makers of Playing Cards
- Worshipful Company of Management Consultants
- Worshipful Company of Marketors
- Worshipful Company of Masons
- Worshipful Company of Mercers
- Worshipful Company of Merchant Taylors
- Worshipful Company of Musicians
- Worshipful Company of Needlemakers
- Worshipful Company of Painter-Stainers
- Worshipful Company of Parish Clerks
- Worshipful Company of Pattenmakers
- Worshipful Company of Paviors
- Worshipful Company of Pewterers
- Worshipful Company of Plaisterers
- Worshipful Company of Plumbers
- Worshipful Company of Poulters
- Worshipful Company of Saddlers
- Worshipful Company of Salters
- Worshipful Company of Scientific Instrument Makers
- Worshipful Company of Scriveners
- Worshipful Company of Security Professionals
- Worshipful Company of Shipwrights
- Worshipful Company of Skinners
- Worshipful Company of Spectacle Makers
- Worshipful Company of Stationers and Newspaper Makers
- Worshipful Company of Tallow Chandlers
- Worshipful Company of Tax Advisers
- Worshipful Company of Tin Plate Workers
- Worshipful Company of Tobacco Pipe Makers and Tobacco Blenders
- Worshipful Company of Turners
- Worshipful Company of Tylers and Bricklayers
- Worshipful Company of Upholders
- Worshipful Company of Vintners
- Worshipful Company of Water Conservators
- Worshipful Company of Wax Chandlers
- Worshipful Company of Weavers
- Worshipful Company of Wheelwrights
- Worshipful Company of Woolmen
- Worshipful Company of World Traders
- Worshipful Society of Apothecaries
Media in category "Institutional heraldry of the United Kingdom"
This category contains only the following file.
- Newcastle Area Health Authority.jpg 232 × 330; 22 KB