How to submit a registration
Heraldry of the World Personal arms |
To submit your arms to the Heraldry of the World register of personal arms, an e-mail must be sent to our registration address. The e-mail must be in the format specified below. If the format is not respected, the submission will be rejected. Please copy and paste the contents of the window below into the e-mail body. Read the instructions and include your answers below them. Mandatory fields are marked with an asterisk (*). If you have any questions or wish to correct a submission, please try to reply to your confirmation e-mail, do not send a new e-mail. This format allows us to aggregate the information required for registration in an orderly and centralised manner. Thank you for understanding. |
Registration form
Please copy this form into your e-mail body and fill in the required information. Mandatory fields are marked with an asterisk (*).
IMPORTANT: Copy the entire contents of the form box. Do not forget to include the terms and conditions listed at the bottom of the registration form in your e-mail. Without them, your registration will be invalid.
Full name - Please specify your full name in the boxes bellow. Academic or other titles are optional. Please note that Heraldry of the World reserves the right to not include any titles. Surname*: English blazon of your arms* - Please include the blazon of your arms in English. The blazon you provide must be complete and correspond to the emblazonment of arms you will submit in this form. If no blazon is available in English, leave blank. Please note that either a blazon in English or in another language is required for registration: Image* *- Please include the image you wish to display in your registration as an attachment to this e-mail. The image must be in .jpg or .png format. It must conform to basic aesthetic standards:
Terms and conditions - Please read carefully. These terms and your approval must be included in the e-mail you send.
By sending this e-mail, you agree to the above listed terms and approve of the publication of your submitted information. |
IMPORTANT: Copy the entire contents of the form box. Do not forget to include the terms and conditions listed at the bottom of the registration form in your e-mail. Without them, your registration will be invalid.
Frequently asked questions
Q: I haven't received any news about my registration in a long while. Is it being worked on?
A: Yes, we continue to work on registrations. The work is slow as it is done in the administrator's spare time but it is slowly moving forward. Please be patient, you will be contacted once your turn arrives.
Q: I see your have changed your registration submission system from Google Forms to an e-mail based system. Is my previously submitted registration still valid?
A: There are two Google Forms - one for users with a Google account, one without. All registration requests submitted via the first form (WITH Google account) are still valid and will be dealt with before we move onto e-mail based submissions. Registrations submitted via the second form (NO GOOGLE ACCOUNT) are being annulled. This is due to the fact that these submissions require us to follow up on them to request an image. The majority of such requests are then ignored by the armigers requesting registration. Instead, an e-mail notification will be sent to all the people who used the second form to inform them of the change and request they resubmit their registration via the new e-mail system. We apologise for the inconvenience this may cause and thank you for understanding.
Q: Why do you not consider arms granted by Sealand or by various noble houses as "granted"?
A: We only label arms as "granted" or "officially registered" if they have been granted by national heraldic authorities as they have official legal standing. Sealand is not an internationally recognised nation and thus we cannot consider their "grants" as legally binding. The same goes for arms "granted" by various non-ruling royal houses and noble houses. We will, however, register your arms as ungranted commoner arms, without noble attributes. Among the entities whose grants we consider valid are, for example, the College of Arms or Lord Lyon King of Arms in the United Kingdom or the Flemish Heraldic Council in Belgium. Among the entities whose registrations we accept as official is the Heraldic Council of the President of the Russian Federation and various subnational authorities in Russia, the Bureau of Heraldry of South Africa or the Chronicler of Arms of Castile and Leon. This list is inclusive but not exhaustive.
Q: My arms contain noble attributes, can I register them with you?
A: Yes, as long as you can provide evidence that they were either granted by a valid national heraldic authority or at least matriculated by such an authority.
Q: Will you include my noble title with my registration?
A: Yes, as long as you can provide evidence that it is a noble title officially accepted by a UN member state government.
Q: Can I include my banner / badge / alternate emblazonment with my registration?
A: Yes, within reason we will include more images along with your registration.
Q: Why was the image of my arms deemed insufficient?
A: There are several reasons why the image of your arms does not meet our aesthetic standards. The most common issues include the image being in low resolution, it may contain bitmap artefacts or it may be an obvious collage of images in different styles. In general we are lenient with what images we admit but we do request some minimum requirements be met. If your image does not match our standards, consider getting in contact with a heraldic artist to create a quality emblazonment for you. Many willing artists may be found in the Facebook, Reddit or Discord heraldic communities.
Q: I am a member of an order or have been granted a medal, can I display it beneath the arms I submit?
A: Yes, as long as the order or medal is from a UN-recognised country or their national institutions. Orders or medals from private, non-state organisations, various "religious orders" or from various sub-national kingdoms will not be accepted. Please submit the image of your arms without them. Please note there are some few exceptions of long-established orders from non-state entities in good standing which we do accept. Their selection is at our discretion.
Q: Can I submit arms for another individual?
A: You may submit arms for other individuals if A. you are their legal guardian (in which case we require proof of guardianship), or B. you have received powers from the individual to represent them in the registration process. These measures are in place to comply with EU data privacy regulations and ensure we have individuals' permissions to publish their personal information.
Q: My arms contain supporters / a wreath / decorative elements, can I register them with you?
A: In some countries, heraldic traditions allow non-nobles to assume supporters (e.g., in France) or incorporate decorative elements such as wreaths, banners, and similar adornments. However, for the sake of consistency and simplicity, we only display arms with supporters or additional decorative elements if they have been officially granted or registered by national heraldic authorities.
Q: My emblazonment of arms utilises a non-standard helm, can I use it with my submission?
A: This depends on the exact helm in question. In cases such as these we ask armigers to please submit emblazonments within reason. We are happy to register emblazonments utilising a large variety of historical helmets. However, we ask that armigers refrain from submitting emblazonments with various modern sports or profession-related helmets (fencing, astronaut etc.). We are happy to register your arms with an alternate, more traditional helmet emblazonment or without a helmet.
Q: My arms use the full arms of a historical person / family, can I register them?
A: We can register arms of historical individuals if you can prove your right to them. This can be acomplised by providing matriculation from a heraldic authority or by submitting genealogical research showing your connection to the historical armiger along with an explanation of your country/region's rules on armorial inheritance and thus your right to the arms.
Q: The emblazonment I have submitted is drawn by / contains elements drawn by AI. Will you use it in my registration?
A: No, under no circumstances do we accept emblazonments utilising artificial inteligence.
If you wish to register arms that include elements beyond a shield, helmet, mantling, torse, crest, motto, or warcry, we require proof in the form of a grant of arms or a matriculation document for the supporters or other elements in question.
An exception to this rule applies to purely decorative features that are clearly separate from the coat of arms itself. For further clarification or inquiries on this matter, please feel free to contact us.
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