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Norway heraldry portal

This page is part of the
Norway heraldry portal

Heraldry of the World

Civic heraldry:

  • Total pages in the Norway section : 1,752
  • of which images : 932

Other heraldry:


Additions: 2020 Hedmark, Oppland

Coat of arms (crest) of Innlandet
Official blazon

På grønn bunn, tre linjer i sølv som peker opp og fram..

English blazon wanted


The arms were adopted on January 1, 2020.

Unfortunately we have no information on the meaning or origin of these arms yet.

If you have any information on the origin or meaning of these arms, or have additional images that you want to share, please mail us your information !

In 2018 the new county opened an on-line contest in which people could send their proposals for new arms. In total 162 proposals were received. The final arms, however, were not among these. A selection of proposals can be seen here.

The final report with all proposals can be found here: File:No-innlandet1.pdf.