New Zealand Herald
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The arms were officially granted on ?
The shield is divided per chevron. The top part contains the constellation of the Southern Cross and a representation of an ancient ship, symbolic of communications and similar to the ship which appears in the national arms of New Zealand. The gold pale includes the sword of justice, and the base of the shield portrays the motif of the Caduceus, which was given to Mercury by Apollo in exchange for the lyre. Prudence is represented by the serpents, and the wings are an heraldic symbol of the diligence necessary in the pursuit of business and commerce, which Mercury patronises.
On a wreath above the helmet and mantling is a pair of trumpets, a traditional symbol of the herald. The entwining scroll, representing a Maori taniko, or head-dress, denotes the communion of Maori and European in one nation.
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Literature : The New Zealand Herald, November 13, 1963