Abdulla-Die Staatswappen aller Wappenführenden Staaten der Erde
Album information:
- Issued by:Abdulla, Berlin, Germany
- Date of issue:1929-1930
- Number of stamps/cards:220 in 2 albums
- Image variants:none
Due to the success of the previous album, the company issued a new album named "Die Staatswappen aller Wappenführenden Staaten der Erde" (National arms of all countries of the world). The album contained 110 smaller cards, with on the front the arms and the name of the area, and on the back again advertising for the company. The album was published by Osterwald in Hannover. Author and artist are unknown.
One year after the first album, a second album was issued with the same title and number of cards. Although the title states that the album contains the national arms, the arms are from provinces, regions, colonies and former states. The outline of the arms is identical to the first album, but the back of the images shows a different text. This album was printed at least twice; once by Osterwald in Hannover like the first album, and has the same lay-out. The album was also printed elsewhere (not mentioned on the album), with a different lay-out.
A year later a third album with capital cities was issued.