Bad Radkersburg

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State: Steiermark
District: Südoststeiermark (until 2015 Bad Radkersburg)
Additions: 2015 Radkersburg Umgebung

Wappen von Bad Radkersburg/Arms (crest) of Bad Radkersburg

Official blazon

Ein achtspeichiges goldenes Rad in rotem Schild.


The arms were granted on October 11, 1993 and again on October 1, 2015.

Radkersburg was founded in the middle ages as a border town, for trade and as a fortification. It has received city rights in the late 13th century.

The arms are canting. Radkersburg appears to be called after a medieval nobleman, but this is disputed among historians. For centuries, the city has used a seal showing a wheel (Rad).

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Literature: Image provided by Karl Palfrader , background by H. Hayn ( ; Bartsch (1567)

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