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Brasão de Bandeiras/Arms (crest) of Bandeiras

Country: Portugal

Region: Açores

Municipality: Madelena

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Official blazon
Portuguese Escudo de prata, três bandeiras de azul, hasteadas de negro e alinhadas em faixa, entre açor estendido de vermelho, animado do campo e armado de negro, segurando nas garras um escudete de azul carregado de cinco besantes de prata, em chefe e cacho de uvas de ouro, sustido de verde, em campanha. Coroa mural de prata de três torres. Listel branco, com a legenda a negro: “ BANDEIRAS “.
English blazon wanted


The arms were officially granted on March 25, 2003.

Unfortunately we have no information on the meaning or origin of these arms yet.

If you have any information on the origin or meaning of these arms, or have additional images that you want to share, please mail us your information !

Literature: image send by Sergio Horta

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