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Brasão de Beato/Arms (crest) of Beato

Country: Portugal

District: Lisboa

Municipality: Lisboa

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Official blazon
Portuguese Escudo de prata, águia de voo abatido, de vermelho, segurando no bico, por correias de negro, um tinteiro do mesmo; em chefe, roda dentada de azul, entre duas folhas de tabaco de verde; campanha ondada de azul e prata, de três peças. Coroa mural de prata de três torres. Listel branco com a legenda a negro em maiúsculas: “ BEATO - LISBOA “.
English blazon wanted


The arms were officially granted on November 16, 1999.

The arms show an eagle holding a canister of ink. This was used on the seal of the local monastry of the Order of Lóios.

The chief shows two tobacco leaves, symbolising the historical tobacco factory in the parish. The cogwheel symbolises the industry in the parish in general.

The base show the Tejo (Tagus) river.

Literature: image send by Sergio Horta

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