Civic Heraldry Literature - Croatia

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Heraldry of the World
Heraldic literature

This page shows the sources used, or to be used, on the Ukrainian part of the site Heraldry of the World. Not all the information from the literature mentioned below has been added to the site yet. If you require information from one of the sources below, please contact me.

I am always looking more more, local, literature, such as newspaper articles etc. If you want to donate these, please send them as pdf or contact me !

Posters, websites, mails/letters, stamps, postcards, maps and similar sources are not included. For an overview of heraldic picture albums, tobacco cards, trade cards, stamps etc, see here)

Books and references

See also under former Yugoslavia.

  1. Bijelić, B.: Grb grada Đakova / The coat of arms of the city of Đakovo. Grb i Zastava 3(2009)6:16-18.
  2. Božiċ, M.: New findings on the emergence, use and symbolism of the Croation lan coats of arms. Grb i Zastava 23(2018)28-30.
  3. Buovac, M.: The community if Poličnik. Grb i Zastava 23(2018)24-25.
  4. Grubiša, R.: Adoption of the symbols of Rijeka in 1990's. Grb i Zastava 11(2012)14-16.
  5. Heimer, Ž.: The reflection of water in the Croatian municipal heraldry. In: Proceedings of the XXIX congress of genealogical and heraldic sciences. Stuttgart, 2012, p. 301-313.
  6. Hr-004.books.jpgHeimer, Ž.: Grb i zastava Republike Hrvatske. Leykam Int. Zagreb, 2008, 192 p. ISBN 978-953-7534-12-7.
  7. Hr-005.books.jpgHeimer, Ž.: Grbovi i zastave grada Zagreba. Leykam Int. Zagreb, 2009, 179 p. ISBN 978-953-7534-24-0.
  8. Hye, F-H. von: Zur Geschichte des Staatswappens von Kroatien und zu dessen ältester Darstellung in Innsbruck. Schweizer Archiv für Heraldik, 108(1994)163-172.
  9. Hr-002.books.jpgJareb, M.: Hrvatski nacionalni simboli. Hrvatski institut za povijest, Zagreb, 2010, 472 p. ISBN 978-953-297-230-6.
  10. Hr-003.books.jpgKekez, H.: Grbovi gradova u Republici Hrvatskoj. Mozaik knjiga, Zagreb, 2009, 80 p. ISBN 978-953-14-0621-5.
  11. Kušen, E.: Kako su re rađali grb i zastava Grada Ivanca. / How the coat of arms and flag of Ivanec were born. Grb i Zastava 22(2017)10-16.
  12. Lászloczky, L. de: Stemmi, bandiere e sigilli della città di Fiume. Schweizer Archiv für Heraldik 106(1992)6-27.
  13. Ljubović, E.: The development of the city of Senj coat of arms / Povijesni razovj grba Grada Senja. Grb i Zastava 2(2008)5-7.
  14. Marunčić, T.: Exhibition "The State Coat of Arms of the Dubrovnik Republic". Grb i Zastava 4(2010)7:1,17.
  15. Peić Čaldarović, D.: Croatian State heraldry in the 20th century - between myths and reality. In: Genealogica & Heraldica St Andrews MMVI. Part II. Proceedings of the XXVII International congress of genealogical and heraldic sciences, Edinburgh, 2008, p.185-205.
  16. Peić Čaldarović, D. and Stančić, N.: Variants of the arms of Slavonia until the ens of 18th C. Grb i Zastava 11(2012)8-13.
  17. Hr-001.books.jpgPeić Čaldarović, D. and Stančić, N.: Povijest Hrvatskoga grba. Školska knjiga, Zagreb, 2011, 315 p. ISBN978-953-0-61285-3.
  18. Šarić, A.: Heraldika grada Senja do 17. stoleća / The heraldry of the city of Senj to the 17th century. Grb i Zastava 20(2016)27-28.
  19. Vitez, M.: Heraldika u službenim glasilima hrvatskih županija / Heraldry in offical gazettes of Croatian counties. Grb i Zastava 22(2017)21-22.
  20. Vitez, M.: Grb i zastava Opcine Gornji Kneginec / The Coat of Arms and the Flag of the Community of Gornji Kneginec. Grb i Zastava 25(2019)31-33.