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Brasão de Coimbra/Arms (crest) of Coimbra

Country: Portugal

District: Coimbra

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Official blazon
Portuguese Escudo de vermelho, com uma taça de ouro realçada de púrpura, acompanhada de uma serpe alada e um leão batalhantes, ambos de ouro e lampassados de púrpura. Em chefe, um busto de mulher, coroada de ouro, vestida de púrpura e com manto de prata, acompanhada por dois escudetes antigos das quinas. Escudo cercado pelo Colar da Ordem de Torre e Espada. Coroa mural de prata de cinco torres. Listel branco, com os dizeres: " CIDADE DE COIMBRA ", de negro.
English blazon wanted


The arms were officially granted on November 14, 1930.

For the "lady" in the arms there are two explanations; one states that she is the patron saint of Coimbra, the Sainted Queen Isabel, wife of King Dinis, renowned in Portugal for her miracle of the roses. The second explanation states that she represents an old Suevic princess named Cindazunda. This is related with a legend that occurred during the reconquest of Portugal from the Moors.

The serpent is the symbol of wisdom, and, together with the goblet (the Holy Grail of the Quest) symbolise the city's university. Coimbra prides itself in being one of the oldest Universities in Europe (founded by the Isabel's husband Dom Dinis).

The twin shields on either side of Isabel, in today's Arms, are the ensigns of Afonso Henriques, Portugal's first monarch, who also made Coimbra his capital.

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© 1995-2025, Heraldry of the World, Ralf Hartemink Ralf Hartemink arms.jpg
Index of the siteHeraldic Bibliography: Information provided by Carlos Cordeiro ( and Branca Gonçalves (second explanation).