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State : Saarland
District (Kreis) : Saarbrücken
Additions: 1866 Bildstock

Wappen von Friedrichsthal/Arms (crest) of Friedrichsthal
Official blazon
German Im geteilten Schilde im oberen blauen Felde wachsend ein rotbewehrter, gekrönter goldener Löwe, in der rechten Pranke eine Grubenlampe haltend, im unteren goldenen Felde zwei gekreuzte Glaspfeifen.
English blazon wanted


The arms were officially granted on June 23, 1936.

The village was founded in 1723 by Count Friedrich Ludwig von Nassau-Saarbrücken when he established a glass factory in the area. This is symbolised by the arms, which show in the upper half the lion of Nassau and in the lower half two glass blower's pipes. The lion holds a miner's lamp, a symbol for the coal mining near the city. The colours of the lamp and pipes are not officially described, the above images shows the colours as used by the city.

Wappen von Friedrichsthal/Coat of arms (crest) of Friedrichsthal

Municipal stationery, 1960s

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Literature: Lehne and Kohler, 1981