Harburg (kreis)

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State: Niedersachsen
Additions: 1932 Winsen

Wappen von Harburg (kreis)/Arms (crest) of Harburg (kreis)
Official blazon
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The arms were granted on April 3, 1928.

The lion in the arms is the lion of the Dukes of Lüneburg, a branch of the Welfen family. One of the branches of this family named itself after the city of Winsen, at present the capital of the district. The original capital, Harburg, is now part of Hamburg.

The lion holds a key, which is the symbol of Bremen. The area was in the early Middle Ages one of the strongholds of the archbishops of Bremen, who were later succeeded by the Welfen family.

Wappen von Harburg (kreis)/Coat of arms (crest) of Harburg (kreis)

Postal cancellation 1993

Literature: Stadler, 1964-1971, 8 volumes.

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