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State: Niedersachsen
District (Kreis): Helmstedt
Additions: 1974 Barmke, Emmerstedt; 2017 Büddenstedt (1974 Neu Büddenstedt, Offleben, Reinsdorf)

Wappen von Helmstedt/Arms (crest) of Helmstedt
Official blazon
German blazon wanted
English blazon wanted


If this text appears, it means that background information is available, but that I have not yet had the time to add the information on these arms. Just [|mail me with the name of the town in the subject !] and I will add all information that I have !

Seal of Helmstedt

Medieval arms
Coat of arms (crest) of Helmstedt

The arms in a manuscript from 1514
Siegel von Helmstedt

The municipal stamp shown in 1892
Seal of Helmstedt

Seal from around 1900
Seal of Helmstedt

Seal from around 1900
Wappen von Helmstedt/Coat of arms (crest) of Helmstedt

The arms by Hupp in the Kaffee Hag albums +/- 1925
Arms (crest) of Helmstedt

The arms in the Abadie albums
Wappen von Helmstedt/Coat of arms (crest) of Helmstedt

Municipal stationery, 1960s

Literature: Stadler, 1964-1971, 8 volumes.

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