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Helsinki (Kuntavaakuna - Kommunvapen)/Arms (crest) of Helsinki

Country: Finland

Region: Uusimaa

Historical province:


  • 1946 Haaga
  • 1946 Huopalahti
  • 1946 Oulunkylä
  • 1946 Kulosaaren Huvilakaupunki
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Official blazon
Finnish Sinisessä kentässä kultainen vene uimassa hopeisella, aaltokoroisella tyviöllä; veneen yläpuolella saatteena kultakruunu.
Swedish I blått fält en båt av guld flytande på en medelst en vågskura bildad stam av silver, båten ovanför åtföljd av en krona av guld.
English Azure, on a base wavy Argent a lymphad Or, on honor point a coronet Or with engraved stones Argent and Azure.


The arms were officially granted on August 30, 1951.

The oldest arms of the city date from 1639 and show already a crown and a boat. The arms were based on the oldest seal of Helsinki, which dates from about 1500.

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Literature: Pirinen, K. Local coats of arms in Finland (Suomen kunnallisvaakunat), Vantaa, 1982, 216 p.

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