Piatra Neamț
District/county (județ) : Neamț
Official blazon
Un scut triunghiular cu marginile tăiate rotunjit. În partea superioară, pe fond roșu, se află un turn de argint zidit, cu acoperiș ascuțit surmontat de o cruce. În vârful scutului, pe fond auriu, pe un teren stâncos, de argint, se află o capră neagră, orientată spre dreapta. Scutul este trimbrat de o coroană murală de argint cu șapte turnuri crenelate.
The arms were officially granted on November 28, 2007.
The red color of the upper field is the color used in modern Romanian heraldry for the area of Moldova.
The silver tower surmounted by a cross represents the tower of the church of St. John the Baptist, founded by Stephen the Great, a distinctive element of the city of Piatra-Neamt.
The rock means the name of the locality - Piatra, and the goat is an element present in the old seal of the locality.
The mural crown with seven crenellated towers means that the locality has the rank of municipality-county residence.
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Literature: image from the decree 1432/2007