Quebec (province)

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Arms (crest) of Quebec (province)

Country : Canada

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Official blazon
French Tiercé en fasce; d'azur, à trois fleurs-de-lis d'or; de gueules, à un léopard d'or, armé et lampassé d'azur; d'or, à une branche d'érable à sucre à triple feuille de sinople, aux nervures du champ. Timbré de la couronne royale. Sous l'écu, un listel d'argent bordé d'azur portant la devise JE ME SOUVIENS du même.
  • (1868) Or on a Fess Gules between two Fleurs de Lis in chief Azure, and a sprig of three Leaves of Maple slipped Vert in base, a Lion passant guardant Or
  • (1939) Tierced in fess, Azure three fleurs-de-lis Or, Gules a lion passant guardant, and Or a sprig of three maple leaves Vert.


The arms were officially granted on May 26, 1868, modified on December 7, 1939 and re-granted on October 15, 2010.

The three fleur-de-lis in the chief represent France (the founding country of the province), the lion represents Britain (the conquering country of Quebec), while the green maple leaves represent Canada.

The motto translates as "I remember" The original coat of arms had two blue fleur-de-lis on gold, since the gold lilies on blue would have (at the time) been too reminiscent of the similar quarter on the old British coat of arms (which represented Britain's claim to the throne of France, and was only removed in 1801).

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