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Département : Meuse

Blason de Quincy-Landzécourt
Official blazon
French Écu ovale. Écartelé: au 1er d'argent à la croix de sable chargée de cinq coquilles d'argent, aux 2e et 3e de gueules à la tour d'argent ouverte et maçonnée de sable, au 4e d'argent au lion de gueules la queue passée en sautoir; au filet ondé en fasce d'azur brochant sur le trait du coupé.
English blazon wanted


The arms were officially adopted on November 8, 2021.

The first quarter shows the arms of the d'Allamont family, lords of Quincy in the 17th century. The two towers symbolise the two villages in the municipality, each with its own castle. The lion in the fourth quarter is taken from the arms of the 18th century Lords of lLandzécourt.

The wavy bar symbolises the Loison river.

Why the municipality decided on an oval shield is not mentioned in the minutes of the decision.

Literature: Image from http://www.armorialdefrance.fr

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