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Region : Kainuu
Former province : Oulu

Ristijärvi Kuntavaakuna / Kommunvapen

Official blazon

Sinisessä kentässä aaltokuvioinen hopeatyviö ja sen yläpuolella hopeinen havuristi.


The arms were officially granted on November 23, 1959.

The arms are canting, the name means Cross-lake and the arms thus show a cross and a lake in the base. The cross is made to look like fir trees, symbolising the importance of forestry to the municipality.

Coat of arms (crest) of Ristijärvi

The arms on a road sign

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Literature :Pirinen, K. Local coats of arms in Finland (Suomen kunnallisvaakunat), Vantaa, 1982, 216 p.
