Sale (Victoria)

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Heraldry of the World

Civic heraldry:

  • Total pages in the Australia section : 1,513
  • of which images : 831

Other heraldry:


State : Australia
Incorporated into :1994 Wellington

Arms (crest) of Sale (Victoria)
Official blazon
English blazon wanted


The arms were granted on December 6, 1985.

The town was probably named after General Sale, who was distinguished in the Burma War (1824-25) and the Safghan Wars of 1838 and 1842. He was a long-standing army friend of Lord Brisbane, Governor of New South Wales, the Colony in which the territory of Victoria was then administered. He is remembered by the embattled dividing line down the centre of the shield.
The wheat sheaf alludes to the district's agricultural economy, while the anchors refer to Sale's importance to the former coastal shipping.
The roundels symbolize the modern oil and gas industry, with Sale being headquarters for the Esso-BHP Bass Strait operations.

In the crest the wings symbolize the RAAF base at East Sale and the book, a Bible, alludes to the churches and schools in the City.

Local fauna (Black Swans) and flora (Black Wattle) provide the supporters and their compartment.

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Literature:Information provided by Denis Towner, Australia.