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Region : Varsinais-Suomi
Former province : Länsi-Suomi (until 1997 Turku and Pori)
Additions : 1969 Karuna

Sauvo Kuntavaakuna / Kommunvapen

Official blazon

Kultakentässä seisova naakka, saatteena kummallakin puolellaan kuusikärkinen kannustähti keskenään vastapalkeittain; kaikki mustia.


The arms were officially granted on March 4, 1957.

The crow is derived from the nickname of the villagers. The two mullets are taken from the arms of several noble families and refer to the manor houses in the municipality.

Coat of arms (crest) of Sauvo

The arms on a road signl

Literature: Pirinen, 1982

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