Brabant wallon

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Armoiries de Brabant wallon

Official blazon

De sable au lion d'or, armé et lampassé de gueules, chapé d'or à deux coqs hardis de gueules, celui à dextre contourné. Couronne ducale fermée doublée de gueules et à retroussis d'hermine.


The arms were officially granted on January 2, 1995.

The province of Brabant wallon was created on January 1st, 1995 when the old province of Brabant was split.

The lion is b taken from the old historical arms of the Duchy of Brabant. The two roosters are the symbol of the French-speaking community in Belgium.

Wapen van/Blason de Brabant wallon

The arms on a police badge (source)

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Literature: Armoiries communales en Belgique, 2002.