Province: Plzeňský Kraj
District (Okres): Plzeň-město
Czech | V červeno-modře polceném štítě polovina stříbrné rozkřídlené husy se zlatým zobákem, pod ní stříbrné obrněné rameno se šikmým zlatým mečem s čepelí podloženou pod husou. |
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The arms were officially granted on November 24, 2014.
The goose and armoured arm with sword are symbols for St. Martin of Tours, the local patron saint. The goose is a less common symbol for the saint, who generally is depicted as a Roman knight cutting his cloak to give half to a beggar, hence the arm with sword.
The armoured arm with the sword and the divided shield are also part of the arms of the Černín of Chudenice family, one time lords of the village. Their arms showed a divided shield of red and barry of blue and silver. In the municipal arms, the silver bars were removed, but the silver colour remained. The arm with a sword was used as a crest on the family arms.
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