Album information :
- Issued by :Pražská Čokoládovna "Redua", Czechoslovakia
- Date of issue :1930s
- Number of stamps/cards :the album is not numbered, numbers up to 85 exist
- Image variants :-
This album is issued in the 1930s and consists of a series of cards that could be collected with chocolate. The Redua chocolate factory was founded by Eduard Reznicek in 1919 and merged with other Prague chocolate factories in about 1949 and than soon closed down. It was a rather small company with around 50 employees in the late 1920s.(information from Martin Mihál).
For each of the regions of the Czechoslovak republic there is a title page, followed by several pages on which the images could be glued. The introduction states that more albums (..) will be issued for each of the regions, but the album already contains all regions. I have no information whether all images have actually been issued.
1. Kolín
2. Kladno
4. Litomyšl
5. Jaroměř
6. Duchcov
9. Strakonice
10. Šluknov
11. Domažlice
12. Liberec
14. Klatovy
15. České Budějovice
16. Čáslav
17. Litoměřice
18. Třeboň
19. Karlovy Vary
20. Mladá Boleslav
21. Most
22. Humpolec
23. Jičín
25. Prachatice
26. Písek
28. Stříbro
29. Lanškroun
30. Kutná Hora
31. Hradec Králové
33. beroun
34. Bílina
35. Česká Třebová
36. Česká Skalice
37. Pardubice
38. Nymburk
39. Vrchlabí
40. Lovosice
41. Chomutov
42. Česká Lípa
43. Louny
44. Žatec
45. Aš
46. Terezín
47. Praha
48. Plzeň
- ?
49. ?
50. Boskovice
- ?
51. ?
- ?
52. ?
- ?
53. ?
54. Břeclav
55. Moravská Třebová
56. Vyškov
57. Fryštát
- ?
58. ?
59. Třebíč
60. Přerov
61. Uherské Hradiště
- ?
62. ?
63. Opava
64. Jablunkov
65. Bílovec
66. Frývaldov
- ?
67. ?
- ?
68. ?
69. Lučenec
70. Košice
71. Kremnica
72. Kežmarok
- ?
73. ?
- ?
74. ?
75. Báňská Bystrica
76. Zvolen
- ?
77. ?
- ?
78. ?
79. Hořice na Šumavě
80. Benešov u Prahy
81. Žirovnice
83. Falknov nad Ohří
84. Rakovník
85. Cheb
87. Mělník
88. Libochovice
89. Krucemburk
90. Děčín