EML Sakala (M314), Estonian Navy
(Coat of Arms) |
Country: Estonia |
Estonian | Mustal kilbil on hõbedane heraldiline roos, selle kohal on kaks ristatud hõbedase tera ja kuldse käepidemega mõõka. Kilp on asetatud sinisele ringilr, mida timbritseb kuldne laevaköis. Ringi kroonib Neptuni kuldne kolmikhark. ringil on kuldsete tähtedega laeva nimi SAKALA ning laeva vapikiri IN NOMINE LIBERTATIS - vabaduse nimel. |
English | blazon wanted |
The Black Field symbolises the fertile soil of the ancient county of Sakala. The Rose is from the arms of the Viljandi,the historical Capital of Sakala.
The Swords symbolizes the important role of Sakala in Estonia's struggle for Freedom. Which is also indicated of the Motto which translates as "In the name of Liberty".
The arms was created in 2007 by Mr Priit Herodes.
Literature: Images from Wikimedia Commons. Information from Eesti Mereväe Sümboolika Kataloog - The symbols and insignia of the Estonian Navy 1993-2011.
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