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Former province : Häme, Uusimaa, Karelia
Created : 2010 from parts of Etelä-Suomi

Arms of Kymenlaakso

Official blazon

  • (fi) Katkoisen kilven sinisessä yläkentässä hyppäävä kultavaruksinen lohi; hopeisessa alakentässä reunoihin asti ulottuva hopeinen verkko.
  • (sv) Skölden delad av blått, vari en uppstigande, hoppande lax av silver med beväring av guld, och av silver, vari ett genomgående blått nät.


The arms were first designed for the area in 1951, as the are was at that time a part of the Kymi province. In 1997 it became a sub-region in Etelä-Suomi province. When the province of Etelä-Suomi was abolished, it became a separate region.

The arms were adopted again for the sub-region in 1997.

The arms show a salmon and fishing net, as the region is named after the Kymijoki river, a major salmon river and fishing was an important activity in the history of the area.

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© 1995-2025, Heraldry of the World, Ralf Hartemink Ralf Hartemink arms.jpg
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Literature : Iltanen, 2013.