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Arms (crest) of Malmö

Country: Sweden

Province (Landskap): Skåne

County (Län): Skåne län

(until 1997 Malmöhus län)

Additions: (to see click on expand)

  • 1911 Västra Skrävlinge
  • 1915 Limnhamn
    • 1906 Hyllie
  • 1931 Fosie
  • 1935 Husie
  • 1952 Södra Sallerup
  • 1967 Oxie
    • 1952 Glostorp
    • 1952 Lockarp
  • 1971 Bunkeflo
    • 1952 Västra Klagstorp
    • 1952 Tygelsjö
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Official blazon
Swedish I silverfält ett rött, med gyllene krona krönt griphuvud. På hjälmen samma bild samt i kronan ett knippe strutsfjädrar av silver.
English blazon wanted


The arms were officially granted on April 23, 1437 by the Danish King Eric of Pommerania and again in 1974.

The oldest seal of Malmö is known from 1421 but is likely to be (much) older. It shows a church with a star and crescent (symbols for eternity) and on the base some waves (for the sea). The church probably represents the main church at the time. A second seal of the city probably dates from the 13th century, but is only known from 1417. It shows a cog ship, indicating the importance of trading.

The seal with the ship also shows the oldest name of the city, "Sigillum der stad Ellenbogen", whereas the other seal states "S(igillum) Villanorum de Malmøghæ", indicating that the seal with the ship is the oldest seal of the city. Both seals have been used by the city for several centuries.

The arms with the griffin;s head are taken from the arms of Pommerania (Pommern) which also show a griffin. It indicated the importance of the city and loyalty to the King. Ever since the city has used the arms, which is one of the very few in Scandinavia to be allowed to use a helmet and crest.

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Literature: Nevéus and de Waern, 1992; main image from Wikipedia Commons

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