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Province: Pomorze Zachodnie
County: Wałcz

Arms of Tuczno
Official blazon
Polish blazon wanted
English blazon wanted


Very little is known about the origin of the arms of Tuczno.

The oldest known seal dates from 1810, which shows a woman holding two wheels and with the Prussian eagle as a crest. There are no other seals or images known.

The two wheels are most likely derived from the arms of the Wedell family, as Stanislaus and Christopf Wedell received some rights in the area in 1333. The Wedell arms showed two wheels. The newer arms still show the wheels, but the woman is replaced by a helmet and an unknown shield.

Arms of Tuczno

The arms in the Kaffee Hag albums +/- 1915
Arms of Tuczno

The arms as shown around 1970
Arms of Tuczno

The arms as shown in 1963


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