Waterloo (Belgium)

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Province : Brabant wallon

Armoiries de Waterloo (Belgium)

Official blazon

D'argent à une pyramide tronquée de sinople sommée d'un lion passant, posé sur un pidéestal, la dextre appuyée sur un boulet, le tout de sable.


The arms were granted on March 3, 1914.

The arms show the monument built near the city as a memory to the famous battle of Waterloo on June 18, 1815, in which Napoleon was defeated by Wellington and Blücher. It has been said that the size of the hill is scaled to the amount of soldiers that died that day and then piled on top of each other..

Wapen van/Blason de Waterloo (Belgium)

The arms in the Koffie Hag/Café Hag albums +/- 1930

The monument in summer 2012.
Wapen van/Blason de Waterloo (Belgium)

The arms on a police badge (source)

Literature: Servais, 1955

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