Heraldic postcards Germany

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Heraldic postcards from Germany

Heraldic postcards from Germany.


Large series with at least 25 cards:

Postmuseum cards

A 'series' of cards issued by the German Postmuseum during the years. It is not an official series, but the cards were issued separately. As they all deal with heraldic images of postage history, they are listed here as a series. Also similar cards from East Germany are added here.


A series of postcards, probably issued in the 1950s, with the arms of a town and a blank shield, which could be filled in with a drawing or similar. Issued by T&S, but I have no information where that stands for. Any further information on these series is welcome !

Adhesive postcards

Different postcards, but all with one or more adhesive arms.

South Moravia Series

A small series issued by the South Moravian association in Germany, dealing with arms of the association and Czech towns. Probably these are all cards issued.

Oehring Bavarian cities

A series of cards showing the arms of cities in Bavaria, issued by Carl Oehring, München, 1900-1905. I have no idea how many were issued.

Seyfert Luxuskarten

A series of cards 'Greetings from' German States. Issued around 1900-1905 by Paul Seyfert. I have no idea how many were issued.

Baden Series

A small series issued by the Nostalgic Europe GmbH, Café Baden. Images are taken from old picture albums, printed on glossy paper with gold bordure (not properly visible on scans), 1990s (?). I have no idea how many were issued.

Individual cards

An overview of individual heraldic postcards can be seen below:


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Heraldic collector's items catalogue

Heraldry of the World

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German heraldry portal
Deutsche Wappensammlung

Heraldry of the World

German heraldry:

  • Total pages in the German section : 61,578
  • Of which images : 41,444

Selected collector's items from Germany:

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Heraldic collector's items catalogue

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