Country: Germany State: Sachsen-Anhalt District (Kreis):Urban District (Kreisfreie Stadt)
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German | Gespalten mit golden-rot geviertem Schildfuß, vorn in Silber am Spalt ein roter, goldbewehrter Adler mit roter Zunge; hinten neunmal geteilt von Schwarz und Gold, belegt schrägrechts mit einem grünen Rautenkranz. Das Wappen wird gekrönt von fünf roten Mauerzinnen. |
English | blazon wanted |
The arms were officially granted on July 4, 1994 and previously in 1951.
The arms show in the upper part the arms of the Princes of Anhalt and in the lower part the arms of he Lords of Waldeser. The city was part of Sachsen-Anhalt and the Lords of Waldeser had their castle close to the city. The city used only the arms of Sachsen-Anhalt in the seals dating from the 16th century. The mural crown indicates the freedom and strength of the city.
In 1933 the city added a small escutcheon with the local church, as the oldest seals of the city showed the church. These arms, which were never officially granted, were in use until 1951, see image below.
Image gallery
The arms in the Wappen-Sammlung (1900)
The arms in an album from around 1910
The arms in a 1936 album
The arms in the Abadie albums
The old arms in the Kaffee Hag albums +/- 1925
The arms with the inescutcheon
in the Kaffee Hag albums mid 1930sThe arms in a 1930s album
The arms on a cigar band
The arms on a QSL card (1987)
Literature: Stadler, 1964-1971, 8 volumes; Hupp, 1920s; Papendieck, 1996.
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