Staats-Wappen und Flaggen (Unter dem Olympia-Banner)
Heraldic collector's items catalogue
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Album information :
- Issued by : Aurelia, Dresden, Germany
- Date of issue : 1936
- Number of stamps/cards : 350 in 2 albums (200/150)
- Image variants : many, nearly all images were at least once reprinted with different front decoration and back text.
In 1936 the Sultan Zigarettenfabrik Aurelia in Dresden (Germany) issued an album for the upcoming Olympic Games of Berlin in 1936 with the arms and flags of the participating countries. However, during the printing process of the stamps, two more countries (Costa Rica and Panama) joined the Olympic Games. As the stamps were already printed and numbered, the numbering of the albums was changed. Costar Rica (101, 102) was no placed between 22 and 23, Panama (103 and 104) was placed after 72. Afterwards it was decided to add the arms and flags of non-participating countries, which were added after the participating countries, starting with nr 105. The total number of stamps in this album was 200. There is a short introductory texts and a worldmap at the end of the album.
In the same year the company started with a second album, with the title Wappen und Flaggen, as the arms included only arms of cities. The album started with nr 201 and 9 Olympic-related items, such as the medals. These were followed by 31 banners of the German army at the time. These were numbered 210-234, but 238-240 were placed between 208 and 211 (210 was between 211 and 212...). The rest of the album consisted of arms of cities, first the cities that had hosted the Olympic games prior to 1936, and after that the arms of German cities. Finally the arms of Tokio (Olympic Games 1940) was added at the end.
The German city arms were also no longer numbered in the album, but sorted based on the number of inhabitants, starting with Berlin (4.243.000 inhabitants).
The numbering of the second album is consistent up to 240. The following number 241-249 were for the former host cities of the Olympic games, but these were not numbered in the album, only on the reverse of the cards. The numbering of the German cities is very unlogical. Numbers up to 452 are known, but there are only 350 cards. Several cards were not numbered, but later overprinted with a number, and some of the higher numbers were overprinted with a lower number (f.e. Mannheim was 351, overprinted as 253; Rostock was 452, overprinted as 285). The last two cards (olympic bell and Tokio) did not have nrs 349 and 350, but 347 and 350 respectively. Tübingen ans Stuttgart were placed in between. The numbering also does not follow any logical structure (not by inhabitants as in the album, nor alphabetically nor by state/region).
Mannheim + overprint |
Rostock + overprint |
The reverse shows the number and name of the country/city and some information on the cigarettes sold by the company. No less as 5 variations exist:
Type 1 (oldest) |
Type 2 (30 pf) |
Type 3 (40 pf) |
Type 4 (with announcement) |
Type 5 (newest) |
On type 1 the album is not mentioned. On type 2 the album is mentioned and a postage rate of 30 Pf is mentioned when ordering the album by post. On type 3 this is increased to 40 Pf. Type 4 differs in 2 ways; there is advertising for 2 different types of cigarettes and an announcement for a second album has been added. The newest is type 5 where you can order both albums.
Type 1 is (so far) only found on cards 1-100, type 2 on cards 101-140, type 3 and type 4 on all cards and type 5 on 241 (?) and higher numbers only.
The newer cards do not differ in the front for any of the cards with arms, but nearly all cards with flags have a different coloured bordure around the flag. These are all shown below.
The same first album was published by Adria cigarettes.
Example of a page in the album:
Cards issued
Below the list of cards by number, plus variations in the front when known.
3. Egypt
5. Afghanistan
7. Argentina
9. Australia
11. Belgium
13. Brazil
15. Bulgaria
17. Chile
19. China
21. Colombia
23. Denmark
25. Germany
27. Estonia
29. Finland
31. France
33. Greece
35. Great Britain
37. Haiti
39. Honduras
41. India
43. Ireland
45. Iceland
47. Italy
49. Japan
51. Yugoslavia
53. Canada
55. Latvia
57. Liechtenstein
59. Luxembourg
61. Mexico
63. Monaco
65. New Zealand
67. Netherlands
69. Norway
71. Austria
73. Peru
75. Philippines
77. Poland
79. Portugal
81. Romania
83. Sweden
85. Switzerland
87. Spain
89. South Africa
91. Czechoslovakia
93. Turkey
95. Hungary
97. Uruguay
99. USA
101. Costa Rica
103. Panama
106. Danzig
108. Lithuania
110. Albania
112. San Marino
115. Vatican City
117. Andorra
119. Catalonia
121. Paraguay
123. Bolivia
125. Ecuador
127. Venezuela
129. Nicaragua
131. El Salvador
133. Guatemala
135. Cuba
137. Dominican Republic
139. Newfoundland
141. Morocco (French)
145. Tunesia
147. Liberia
149. Belgian Congo
151. Saudi Arabia
153. Yemen
154. Oman
155. Qatar
156. Bahrain
157. Lebanon
158. Syria
161. Kuwait
162. Trans-Jordan
163. Iraq
165. Iran
167. Nepal
169. Manchuria
171. Thailand
173. Laos
175. Cambodia
177. Malaya
179. Negri Sembilan
180. Pahang
181. Perak
182. Selangor
183. Johore
185. Kedah
187. Kelantan
189. Perlis
191. Trengganu
193. British North Borneo
195. Sarawak
197. Brunei
199. Tonga
241. Athens
242. Paris
243. Saint Louis
244. London
245. Stockholm
246. Antwerpen
247. Amsterdam
248. Los Angeles
249. Berlin
250. Riesa
251. Freiberg in Sachsen
253. Mannheim
254. Karlsruhe
255. Baden-Baden
256. Saarbrücken
257. Görlitz
258. Glogau
259. Zittau
260. Würzburg
261. Pirna
262. Dresden
263. Meissen
264. Mainz
265. Frankfurt am Main
266. Kassel
267. Koblenz
268. Aachen
269. Köln
270. Dortmund
271. Glatz
272. Hannover
273. Oels
274. Breslau
275. Bückeburg
276. Hameln
277. Hamburg
278. Lübeck
279. Leisnig
280. Zwickau
281. Planitz
282. Glauchau
283. Meerane
284. Leipzig
285. Rostock
286. Küstrin
287. Allenstein
288. Königsberg
289. Düsseldorf
290. Plauen
291. Jena
292. Chemnitz
293. Gelsenkirchen
294. Bremen
295. Magdeburg
296. Duisburg
297. Stettin
298. Halle
299. Augsburg
300. Krefeld
301. Eisenach
302. Wiesbaden
303. Mülheim an der Ruhr
304. Braunschweig
305. Erfurt
306. Ludwigshafen
307. Hindenburg
308. Mönchengladbach
309. Münster
310. Harburg
311. Remscheid
312. Wuppertal
313. Beuthen
314. Freiburg im Breisgau
315. Bonn
316. Osnabrück
317. Darmstadt
318. Recklinghausen
319. Heidelberg
320. Pforzheim
321. München
322. Dessau
323. Berchtesgaden
324. Trier
325. Liegnitz
327. Potsdam
328. Elbing
329. Flensburg
331. Kaiserslautern
332. Hildesheim
333. Tilsit
334. Neuss
335. Bamberg
336. Schwerin
337. Fürth
338. Nürnberg
339. Hamm
340. Cottbus
341. Regensburg
342. Ratibor
343. Ulm
344. Halberstadt
345. Bautzen
346. Heilbronn
348. Tübingen
349. Stuttgart
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