Oldenkott (Switzerland)
Album information :
- Issued by : Herms. Oldenkott en Zoonen, Amsterdam
- Date of issue : 1913
- Number of stamps/cards : 120 in one album (maybe never completed)
- Image variants : None.
For information on the company see here.
This is the only known non Dutch heraldic Oldenkott album. Issued in Amsterdam but the album is in German. There is no additional text in the album. The images are in the same style as in the Dutch albums, but on thin paper, whereas the Dutch albums are of thick paper. There is no texts on the back as for the Dutch albums.
I have never seen a complete version. Any information is welcome !
10. Willisau
18. Bienne
26. Thun
36. Glarus
39. Lungern
62. Ilanz
63. Arbon
64. Schaffhausen
66. Diessenhofen
67. Frauenfeld
69. Maienfeld
70. Bischofszell
71. Aarburg
72. Laufenburg
73. Mellingen
74. Aarau
75. Bremgarten
76. Lenzburg
77. Zofingen
78. Baden
80. Rheinfelden
81. Aigle
82. Coppet
83. Cully
84. Lausanne
85. Avenches
86. Cudrefin
87. La Sarraz
88. Aubonne
89. Cossonay
90. Grandson
91. Moudon
92. Payerne
93. Vevey
94. Morges
95. Orbe
96. Romainmôtier
97. Yverdon
98. Nyon
99. Rolle
100. Villeneuve
102. Brig
103. Monthey
104. Bellinzona
105. Mendrisio
107. Sion
108. Lugano
109. Martigny
110. Sierre
111. Boudry
112. Le Landeron
113. Carouge
114. Neuchâtel
116. Valangin
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